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Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

Would you rather be born with no arms or no legs, if you had to choose one?

Do you know what it means to be born again?

Murder is never justified.

Okay, how is a human fetus isn't a person, an """infant""" is just a fetus outside of the host. Calling an """infant""" a person is a stretch, any way you look at it.

Abortion is abortion, murder is murder. Two different things, don't twist my words. Post birth abortion is only abortion shorty after birth. Personally, I believe it is only ethical to terminate a fetus 24 hours to one week after a birth, other may consider the 6 month point to be the bench mark.

If you're just going to strawman by arguments, there is no point in talking to you. I am a human being, killing me is murder.

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

If you think abortion is murder, you are wrong.

Murder is never justifiable.

Melania is a troll goddess, pissing off millions of fragile leftist weaklings all while maintaining plausible deniability. I think I'm in love.

What do you do for a living?

You know putting "SS" you put at the bottom of your posts is redundant, right?


Notify his future school immediately.

Got to kill em all!

No, there is a God you atheist SCUM!

If only.

Kill your wife.

White males shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I think bathrooms should be bathrooms, 43 year old men and 7 year old girls both piss and shit.

Never gonna give you up.....

Never gonna let you down....

She would join Kanye West, George Bush, Taylor Swift and the gang. 630noupscale/576ebe1a1a00002700ceb103.jpeg

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

Your point? I think we should ban pointy things so we won't hurt ourselves on them.

I believe we should ban all things pointy.

Christians are just one God short of being an atheist.

Yeah, police are douche bags.

I don't think regular civilians were allowed to buy cannons.

Yeah, I don't think the government with all of its jets, bombers and tanks is too scared of your AR-15.

Your point is?

'Cause you can't kill 50 people with a Derringer, next question.

I don't think someone on the FBI's terror watch list should be able to legally purchase firearms.

In America? Gay clubs.

I think Baby Boomers are worse. They had hippies.

Shrek knows.

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
0 points

Yes. I feel as if you're intentionally missing the point, and misrepresenting it.

I'd have to disagree with that, guns are just to easy to get in this country.

You know Hitler had anti smoking laws. Does that mean anti smoking laws are bad? I don't like the argument "This idea is bad because this person arguably agreed with some of the idea."

Everyone hates a rich liberal who tells other people what to do based on their own personal guilt.

Yeah the annoying politically correct side of progressives drives people away from it. That is one of the few areas I disagree with progressives.

Fallout 3 is still good enough for me, I'm waiting for Fallout 5!

You say you ran the marathon first, so they will pay attention and so they will have more respect for you than if you were just vegan and got your dogs from a shelter.

EGAH! Never in all my years! NEVA! NEVA!

Uhhhh...... so r u sayin' iM dumb???

"Indians" immigrated from Asia thousands of years ago so...

"Indians are illegal immigrants too! Hell, lets send all em colored folk back!"

I'm not a chain smoker, I just do it every so often because it makes me feel good. I don't do it very often.

Well I don't. Our healthcare isn't like yours.

I'm sorry, I thought this was America!

When I can.

I'm not really.... into the whole flexible thing....

Only the red head part. The only thing that we know for fact is gingers are the source of all evil.

I see what my eyes identify as 'white' and 'gold'.

We don't need anymore incentive to realize how evil and crazy isis is.

Oh Joe, you kinky bastard!

The Jews. You see war isn't fair, its kind of like a Mexican man saying "This is Mexico" in California because the war for it wasn't fair. By that Logic isn't France still Rome?

Thank you for pointing this out, they as a whole, could be doing a better job at ending racism by not constantly complaining about it.

Its just more acceptable because it doesn't have the abusive history of white racism.

We all know that feeling.

All I know is I don't learn shit in school and I hate teachers who think they're Jesus for giving a writing assignment I have to read to the class. It just gives me anxiety.

Socialism works best in countries like Germany and Sweden where most of the population wants to contribute to society.

More stupid youtube comments not to read.

I don't think this is a science question, guys. Its a glass half full of water. I don't give a shit about how far the atoms are apart and I don't count the air. This is America goddammit! Well... a lot of us are from the US.... Anyway, this debate will go on for ages and ages.

Looks like this little twat landed himself in Jesus jail.

Damn straight, son.

No! Its a hot dog. It is it's own domain of food.

Thats hot.

I just got my sex change the other day.... and that happens to me all the time! What up with dat?

There you go! Enough of those painful and sharp needles.

Well who could argue with that evidents, Joe?

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point


I hate it when I'm talking to someone and suddenly they start texting. Mindless assholes....



I think that proves it.....

Really? Now I have learned something today....

No not bullshit! I'm debating you right now!

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

Oh really? Gee.. thanks, man.

I usually debate, but in this debate I just wanted my opinion to be known and I know this is the kind of debate with two totally different mind sets and I don't feel like debating with you.

Why don't you fuck off you stupid cunt?

Why should I? So I can get in to a long debate with someone who won't change there mind? Fuck off!

Ha! I get it.

No because no.

I think your on to something, Joe.

A little distracted?

I heard about this on.... I forget where, but I've heard of it!

He always talks about himself in male gender. There is no gender or sex in Heven(sorry if I disapoint some people), but he is refered to in male form.

Well done Joe. Well done.

I don't get dizzy. I am a little too focused on something.

Its weird, but I know what you mean. I can hear it in a way.

We are already in enough national debt and we don't need that much more for such an unnecessary project.

That would take even more factories then is practical. Anyway, we both know how much global "warming" has had it's effect this week. Its cold enough!

No, but its a good place to put military bases and factories. Nobody could bomb them and it's a long way to go to take them out by tank.

How does someone get that fat?

People will live longer, because the stress of having a kid at a young age, won't be shedding away at their life span.

Was that your friend or something, I know you are a dog? (:p

True dat! They always lie to us! Democrats win using their 'us against them' campaign.

They have fought before, it ended with 3 pirate deaths and 0 Navy seal deaths. How is the even a question, I know only prodigee would likely go on the somoli pirated side.

No, ninjas and SEALS are both sneeky but, seals have guns and guns make a cooler noise.

I witnessed his 30,000th point made by a post. I feel very special.

Obama is not a good president. Who here would vote ME to be president? Anyone?

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