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This personal waterfall shows you all of TheAshman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Out of interest as you didn't answer my message is that why you created a debate asking what religion people are and declared people who aren't Christian enemies, or did I do something else to offend you?

1 point

He actually provoked the Jews more than the Romans, the Romans only crucified him to keep the Jews who were petitioning against him quiet, the Romans did not perceive Jesus to be a threat, they thought of him the same way a lot of people now think of the mad guy on the corner who claims to be the son of God

4 points

Proper Terrorists that have been proven to be guilty fine take em out, the problem is a government can label anyone a terrorist which would be where the problem arises, the only other problem is that by killing territorists you could be creating martyrs for their cause.

2 points

So you dont think the adoptive kids of Homosexuals should be entitled to the same inheritance rights as the children of Heterosexual couples

TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

Who are you?

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

I like that joke and I'm Epileptic, went back but it wasn't a conscious decision on my part more a court order on hers.

1 point

I'm probably more of an Optimist because I always look for the Silver lining in a situation but I always expect the worst to happen because that way I wont be dissapointed when everything goes Tits up but if it works out it'll be a nice surprise

1 point

I'm probably more of an Optimist because I always look for the Silver lining in a situation but I always expect the worst to happen because that way I wont be dissapointed when everything goes Tits up but if it works out it'll be a nice surprise

TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

Tit for Tat is when a Girl shows you her Boobs and you give her a rubishy ornament in return

1 point

I did read that she had been fired but I think that was just damage limitation because of the backlash. I dont think either of them deserved firing for it because it was just a silly joke which has been blown out of proportion.

1 point

It's destroying the World it has gone too far, I had some friends at an old workplace three whites and an Asian they were joking about the fact that the Asian guy couldn't pronounce his W's, a Russian girl listened in and reported the White guys for racism, they got in a lot of trouble suspended for a week with no pay and put on report on their return, the Asian guy even stuck up for them and explained it was a private conversation and a joke but to no avail.

I think the idea of Political Correctness is a good one but it has gone too far and common sense needs to be applied

2 points

Its sad that you cant joke with your friends for fear of someone eavesdropping and getting you fired for it and getting offended by a Dongle joke jeez sad, sad Woman

2 points

If God exists and created everything then he created Atheists which is kind of ironic, if he doesn't then he didn't and it's all irrelevant

1 point

I agree many Gays do and Hitler could have been Bisexual but as we dont have any proof to the contrary we just have to go with what we have been told

1 point

His attitude to Homosexuals (although it could be argued he was overcompensating to hide his own sexual proclivities) and that he had a mistress would point to him being heterosexual and there is no proof that he wasn't.

2 points

My daughter says similar things then puts One Fucking Direction on and their ripping off The Clash, Blondie and The Undertones!! It'll be interesting to see where the bands of today are in a few years things like Floyd have stood the test of time and are still popular today, Roger Waters still sells out gigs and the age range of the audience is immence from people old enough to have been into them from the beginning to youngsters who are just getting into them.

1 point

It's all her fault after all we're just men we see a nice rack and thats it all concentration goes out the window, why do you think the Amazons were so awesome it wasn't for their fighting prowess it was because it was a bunch of butt naked women how are you meant to concentrate on war when thats in front of you? Women know they have this power over us and have used it throughout history Adam only took a bite out of that Apple because Eve said he could touch her boob if he did, they always miss that bit out of the Bible

1 point

Its sexist, objectifies women and oh fuck it its boobs who cares

1 point

That ones always made me laugh theres quite a big clue whats in the packet in the name, i'd be properly disapointed if I opened my Nuts to find an empty packet!!

2 points

I've advocated the taking the stupid obvious signs for years I worked somewhere where the fire door was this big double door with fire door written in massive letters on it, there was also a sign hanging from the ceiling pointing to it fair enough in case of a fire it needs to be obvious and the sign pointing it out means we can see where it is from a distance. Then they put up two more signs one pointing out where the sign pointing to the fire door was and one pointing to the sign that pointed to the sign that pointed to the fire door, to me if you need that many signs to find other signs to point you to a door you really don't deserve saving.

TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

If he was thats trolling on an epic scale, Jesus the ultimate Troll. Can you imagine getting to the other side meeting God and him saying yeah Jesus was joking and i've grounded him it would explain why he hasn't come back

TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

I dont think me telling people to be respectful and tolerant is gonna change much, Jesus basically said that hundreds of years ago and look at all the trouble that caused so I think we're safe

TheAshman(2298) Clarified
2 points

I wouldn't get angry Joes like the sites pet troll, he makes some good debates but nearly always puts a title to them that he knows will get a reaction, he's alright though and unfortunately there are some Theists who do believe that Atheism is the dark side. When this debate first popped up I thought it had been created by one of the sites less tolerant Theists then I saw the creator (of the debate not God), so in a way its a clever title it got people debating as it plays to some Theists irrational fear of Atheism but will also rile up some of the Atheists to respond.

You might not think or say Theists are stupid but there are some Atheists who do believe it and are quite vocal about it.

2 points

This is true and I agree with you, the reason this debate started though was because there were some Atheists on the site who were being very intolerant of other peoples beliefs, insulting people who had previously been debating politely stuff like that, if you browse some of the debates on religion you will see what I mean (I wouldn't blame you if you didn't though there's a hell of a of a lot of them). There are also some religious people who do the same, when I first joined the site the religious where the bolshier but it went the other way for a while.

I believe people should be entitled to believe or not believe whatever they want and shouldn't be insulted for it but unfortunately there are a few from both sides (religious and atheist) who won't respect or listen to another persons point of view, its sad but can make for a fun debate!!

1 point

That's when you tell her the third note concerns her hot friend, anal or whatever other sexual thing you've been asking her to do that she's been saying no to, double bubble you watch the game and get laid like a boss

2 points

You might not believe in God but you seem to have a firm belief in double standards, complain about people making generalisations about Atheists then make sweeping generalisations about Theists.

1 point

The only thing I agree with is some Theists have a bad attitude same as some Atheists although recently Atheists have been more obnoxious and are quicker to be abusive.

Interesting you have asumed I am a Theist and your telling me that my beliefs make me an Agnostic, sorry my beliefs are mine to believe and mine to choose. I did not make the generalisation that was the Atheist guy I was disputing who used the term we have it all, thats why I used the speach marks as I am on my phone and couldn't highlight anything seems he didn't get the memo about not speaking for others and all belief systems are individualistic not just Atheism

1 point

Maybe its because of your attitude people cant tolerate you, "we have it all" what utter bollocks you cant prove or disprove the existence of God which makes your attitude as bad the religous nutter who says he knows for definate God is real and anyone who doesnt believe him will burn in hell

2 points

No problem, it doesn't help when you hear the word being used the wrong way it'll lead to false misinterpretations. I always try and keep an open mind about peoples views although that can be hard when you read some of the rubbish posted on here that people insist is the truth!!

1 point

Thats exactly it, what I also find interesting is that its usually the ones that act like Dicks complain no-one listens to them. A lot more people will listen to a reasonable argument.

7 points

Debating/arguing isn't the problem it's intolerance thats the problem, many Theists enjoy a good debate but why should they have to put up with being insulted for their beliefs

3 points

There are some people who do debate on here properly as you say pointing out flaws etc, unfortunately there are some that are intolerant of others and they normally start with insults and being abusive instead of debating properly

2 points

I agree there are some on both sides that show no tolerance for anothers beliefs, just recently though I have found Atheists to be more abusive about it. One thing I have noticed about both sides is that the most vociferous are also the most arrogant as if they know everything there is to know about life the universe and everything

1 point

That can be argued for either side just because someone does not agree with you doesnt meen they dont have common sense

3 points

Your analogy is wrong both Atheists and Religous types think they are right but it is impossible to prove either is right or wrong apart from the odd point here and there.

1 point

So if Samsung copied Apple, Apple copied Blackberry and Sony who probably copied someone else because Sony dont have original ideas they normally take someone elses idea and make it smaller and better its what they've been doing for years

1 point

If Apple are so great they'd be manufacturing their own products instead they have to get people like Samsung to make their screens etc for them.

You say that Samsung copied Apple but the majority of Apple products are copied from someone elses product, sometimes improving on it sometimes not, then having a hissy fit because you think someone copied the thing you copied in the first place.

TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

The really stupid thing is Hitler believed the Aryans to be blonde haired and blue eyed, the Aryan race started in Persia, not many natural blondes with blue eyes in that part of the world

1 point

I'm pretty sure they used two matching lab coats and used a controlled environment but I may be wrong it was a long time ago I saw it, in the end though it was a very minimal difference and wether we walk or run in the Rain we're gonna get wet

1 point

I think it was on Mythbusters or something like that on the telly and they tested both running and walking and discovered that walking in the rain kept you marginally dryer

2 points

If he was anything Christian is probably closest because of he was Catholic but he was also interested in the Occult and borrowed symbolism from other cultures and religions so who knows

1 point

Its not racist Morgan Freeman likes Fried Chicken its one of his favourite foods along with Collard Greens

1 point

The majority of people are definately more pro Israel even though they are in the wrong, Gaza is blockaded splitting up families, Fishermen cant get to the Sea and people cant get things exported so as well as getting bombed the Palestinians are being starved and their portrayed as the bad guys!!!

1 point

Some people have no respect for tradition, they'll probably wanna marry each other next

2 points

Ok i'll be sure to tell my Muslim friend who's doing Philosophy and Politics Degree and his family the Doctor and Dentist i'm sure they'll think as highly of you as I do

2 points

Yeah Bond is the man, even his more dubious incarnations were cool.

1 point

This company is racist whatever happened to equal opportunies I might need to hire a Cracker or Wetback and they cant supply them because they only hire out Niggaz, I find this deeply offensive

2 points

Thats a good theory now but Children have had a fear of Clowns before they were used in Movies and a lot of Kids have a fear of Clowns without having seen any movies featuring evil Clowns I did a quick bit of research into the history of Clowns and found the following from which could explain things a little:

"Clowns date back to the jester or fool of ancient times. In those days, the clown was given permission, and even expected, to represent the deviant side of human nature, from openly defying the sexual norms of the day to mocking the gods. As time went on, the jester morphed into the trickster, a more sinister figure with intentions that were less than honorable.

The modern circus clown is an outgrowth of the tramp clowns of the Depression era. Tramp clowns were largely members of the "unsavory" underclass who entertained the more privileged with a caricaturized look at their daily existence. Although most tramp clowns were harmless, a seedy underbelly did exist among the clown circuit.

Weary Willie was the clown alter-ego of the legendary Emmett Kelly. While Kelly achieved stardom with his character, his personal life was a mess. His wife eventually filed for divorce, claiming that the character had taken over her husband's personality. Their son, Emmett Kelly, Jr., took over the role on his father's retirement. Kelly, Jr. took the character to even greater heights, but his wife, too, felt that Weary Willie eventually overtook Kelly, Jr.'s personality.

In the 1970s, two events occurred that may have fueled our collective fear of clowns. Paul Kelly, the son of Emmett Kelly, Jr., lost a leg in a train accident. Nevertheless, he eventually came to the conclusion that he needed to become the next incarnation of Willie. He began calling himself Emmett Kelly III and performing as Weary Willie. Simultaneously, he slid into a life of drugs and sexual freedom. In 1978, Kelly III was arrested for the murders of two of his homosexual partners. He admitted to the slayings, but listed "Willie" as an accomplice.

Eventually, Kelly III was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. Willie had apparently taken over his personality as he had those of Kelly's father and grandfather. Although this sort of case appears to be isolated, and most clowns do not show deviant behavior, the case was reminiscent of the malevolent trickster archetype of earlier lore.

The highly publicized murders committed by John Wayne Gacy also took place in the 1970s. From 1975 to 1978, Gacy sodomized and killed at least 33 boys and young men in the Chicago area. Although Gacy never worked as a professional clown, he did perform on a volunteer basis. This connection has been played up over the years in movies and films about the crimes.

By the 1980s, clown phobia had reached a peak. Rumors of ritual abuse of children were rampant, and clowns figured heavily into many of the stories. Spontaneous reports of clown harassment began pouring in from children nationwide. Even urban legends began to focus on killer clowns lying in wait for hapless babysitters."

1 point

I prefer curvy women but all women can be sexy if they ignore the image they are told by the media they should be. So skinny women can be as sexy as curvy women and vice versa as long as that is the shape they are meant to be, too many women obsess about being skinny because that is the image thrust uoon them by the media they become walking skeletons.

1 point

That is awesome, I need to go to the door shop now

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible

1 point

"To avoid fainting, keep repeating 'It's only a movie...It's only a movie...'"

2 points

I'd have thought Kermit would have been watching Two Pigs One Trough!!!

1 point

This begs another question though, could Joe be the re-incarnation of a Fly? Karma, it's a funny thing

1 point

Strangley Homosexuality was'nt frowned upon until the Bible got involved the ancient civilizations were'nt bothered and a lot of them actively embraced as you mentioned the Ancient Greeks, Romans and the Spartans were all into it. I think Homophobia has come along hand in hand with the more modern religions, coincidence?

1 point

Nothing wrong with a guy wearing a dress I have many times and if you wear it with heels girls seem to like it, or the ones i've met did, I never realised that it was easier to pull in a dress than in a blokes clothes!!

1 point

I was going to say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

I've known a few Homophobes in my life and most of them it was purely a fear of the unknown, when they got to know some Gay people they realised they were just normal people and it was purely unfounded. I think with a bit of education Homophobia and Racism can be overcome in most people

1 point

Going back a few years me and a mate were walking his Grandads dog, his Grandad came from an time when the word Nigger was used in the UK as much as a descriptive term as an insult (tins of shoe polish were Nigger Brown stuff like that) and he could never get his head around the whole "modern" idea that the word was bad and called his Black dog Nigger (there was a time when this was normal), anyway me and my mate were walking his Grandads dog and got talking to this Black Guy in the park the Dog comes running over and the Bloke ask's it's name my mate immediately started to answer realised what he was saying and thought shit better change the name but had already uttered the first three letters of the dogs name, his grandad could never figure out why we called the Dog Nigel after that

1 point

Oh yeah every year, fire up the bbq and drink till the early hours

1 point

That alarm clock would soooo make me late for work!!!!!!!! :)

1 point

Was this aimed at me? If so I am not simple minded, maybe a little nuts but I am assuming it was'nt as my manner was neither boorish or unenlightened and I never mentioned my views on peeing.

I suggested a private feeding area as there are probably a lot of women out there who might not want to breast feed their kids in public with everyone watching the same as there are a lot of people (men and women) who dont want to watch and there's probably some people who may want to watch just to get their kicks, which would make the mother feel uncomfortable.

Maybe this is societies fault as we do seem to live in a world where seeing nakedness is wrong and thought of as something that will corrupt minds more than violent images

1 point

Sex Russian Roulette, I used to play that, aahh the joys of youth!!

1 point

You'd be stupid to be against it unless your trying to start a family (obviously)

1 point

I was not sure where I stood on this one my first thought was nah I dont want to see that but then I thought is it really that big a deal it's only Boob's but I like your idea of having a separate feeding area a bit like changing area etc but obviously not in the toilets

1 point

I like the Cliffs as they are and they were a good natural defence in the old days, Britain has a lot of nice beaches already and hardly gets the decent weather to enjoy them so fix the weather first. Just out of interest why are some people on here so obssesed with getting Brits riled up?

1 point

Babies are all natural even Test Tube Babies, they are still created using Sperm and an Egg but the Sperm is injected into the Egg in a Test Tube or Petri Dish then put back in the Woman

2 points

I think he will be remembered as the first Black president purely because he was America's first President who was'nt White, wether he will be remebered fondly only time will tell

1 point

It's rubbish Born Again Virgin, it's not like you've refound your Hymen just say your Celibate

1 point

Why not re-open the Workhouses or Roman style Gladitorial Games, let the poor and less fortunate make the rich richer and keep them entertained. In case you missed it i'm being sarcastic

2 points

You've obviously never had to beg just to survive it's degrading and then there would be loads of people complaining about the amount of people begging on the streets

2 points

Wild animals are able to forage for themselves people with no money are not without resorting to crime, if people are starving they should be fed

1 point

I have re-read everything I have posted and in all of them I have said that Hell is somewhere The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy does not exist, I assume you have not read my complete posts or are choosing to quote me out of context, whilst your other posts may be logically sound not reading someones complete posts or misquoting them is not, maybe it's my fault and my posts have not been clear enough for you but I shall leave it at that unless you have something new to add to the debate because at the moment we are just arguing in circles and stating and re-stating our opinions which is not moving this debate forward

1 point

To quote me correctly and not out of context: "Hell is somewhere The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy does'nt exist", it does not say The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy does not exist except in my own personal Hell which I have not reached but that is just my opinion.

I find it interesting that you argue that a debate should be based solely on facts but you will gladly quote people out of context and twist their words to suit your argument either that or you dont bother reading what other people post before jumping in with both feet, either way that is not a good way of debating

1 point

I never said the Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy did'nt exist read my full posts what I said was Hell would be a World were it did'nt. You are wrong debate is based on opinion but facts are useful to help support your argument/opinion

1 point

Some believe the Bible to be Fictional and a lot of people do not believe in Science but these are still permisable in debates and in the end debates are about opinion and in my opinion Hell is somewhere The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy does not exist and as this debate is about the meaning of life and hell I thought my opinion to be valid, it got a debate going if nothing else

TheAshman(2298) Clarified
1 point

I love The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy and according to those books the meening of life is 42

2 points

I disagree the Meening Of Life is 42 and Hell is somewhere The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy does'nt exist

1 point

In my experience Women have the same opputunities as Men and are on the same pay structure I do not know wether this is the same in other industries, I can only comment on my experience's.

I do not think Chivalry is to do with who pays for the meal on the date at the end of the day I think that is down to the people on the date at the time. When I was dating I knew some women who insisted on paying their half and would have been upset if I had insisted and others who expected me to pay for everything, I think it could have been deemed sexist if I had insisted on paying the bill when out with a someone who wanted to pay their half and at the same time the Woman who expects everything to paid for by the Man on a date is acting in a sexist manner (although I would advise against bringing that subject up in conversation if you want a second date).

Rather than paying for things I think Chivalry is more about the little things you do like holding the door and letting others in your group through first (if you remember Ladies first in everything when your dating and things should go smoothly!!), I also try and position myself next to the road when walking with a lady so she can walk safely on the inside, it's these little things that I think are Chivalrous

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