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Sauh's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sauh's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No, clearly it is best to be able to have all the sensory input available; as long as you can control it. They have these new things call ear plugs, or a private study with thick oak door no one is allowed to enter without permission. It's called keeping your children under control.

2 points

The only thing at the bottom of the glass is an order for a refill.

2 points

I disagree. The people on CD that have nothing better to do than bitch and argue can be found on <--- this side.

They kind of admit it by posting under this heading.

2 points

I think that it is in extremely bad taste to cast dispersion's on such majestic birds, especially when they are sick.

1 point

Yeah, so is it wrong that I first found this arousing?

This is only representative of new users of the site that are all fresh and want to honestly debate, waiting for that first slap of unreasoned bullshit; then they realize its best to slap hardest.

Also; R.I.P. The acting career of Haley Joel Osmans (or whatever, too lazy to look up spelling) aka Fat Mac.

1 point

If they wanna die, either lend a hand or get out of the way.

Did nobody else get this?

sauh(1106) Clarified
1 point

Why am I telling you?; I'm telling everybody!_

1 point

I agree, but I am confused by the masturbation comment; I have always needed both hands to masturbate.

2 points

I am well aware (and sympathetic) to your hatred of Jews, Negros, gays, gypsies, etc.; but I am shocked and dismayed at your ignorance (and/or) intolerance of hermaphrodites.

Hitler; you sir, have lost my respect.

1 point

Are there many people confused about the Adolf Hitler to whom you are referring? Because when I hear 'Adolf Hitler' only one guy comes to mind; but if I just here 'Jesus' I have to figure out if its Jesus the gardener, Jesus the mechanic, Jesus the guy who sells oranges on the free-way, or Jesus of Nazareth.

1 point

Who the hell are you to try and get in the way of anyone getting a rim-job?

Don't be an 'ass-licker' blocker; uncool dude, uncool.

1 point

You don't know me. I am a very arrogant person on this site and I am much more aware of all the things I don't know than many of the top scientist.

sauh(1106) Clarified
2 points

More like

Happy V-D._

1 point

Many people free cause their own mental illnesses; take homosexuality for example, or people who wear skinny jeans.

1 point

I don't know if this is a revelation, but I feel I need to confess, I used to dress up like a nun and masturbate; but luckily I got out of that habit.

2 points


1 point

Why bother at this point? I say to own it and lean into it. Once you get there, go for the record. How awesome would it be to the first person to have a personal gravitational orbit around them?

1 point

That's not how I grew up; but unfortunately there are going to be kids growing up watching that shit and they are going to think its real and start acting that way.

So it more a sign of shitty people to come.

1 point

You need a haircut and your in a town with only two barbers; one has a great haircut and the other has a terrible haircut.

Which barber do you have cut your hair?

1 point

Well, half a man... or two-thirds a man.


Hitler has only got one ball,

Göring has two but very small,

Himmler is somewhat sim'lar,

But poor Goebbels has no balls at all.

sauh(1106) Clarified
1 point

So please don't say anything bad about Hitler.

It is offensive to me.

1 point

It is a well know fact that eating Jews is the moral (and dietary) equivalent to eating vegetables... because they aren't people (and don't matter).

1 point

Dave's not here, man.

1 point

"We don't need no education" does seem to be a general theme on this site.

1 point

How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

1 point

How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

1 point

Have in fact considered this perceptive. And yes, please have less people.

As a side note; have anyone who gets uppity about this debate explain what a bell curve is and what it means.

Just as a guess, I'm approximately 3 standard deviations to the right.

1 point

Geezers need excitement.

If their life don't provided it; they incite violence.

1 point

There is one activity (or set of activities, depending on your positional repertoire) for which that outfit is ideal for.

sauh(1106) Clarified
3 points

Holy shit! Was Hitler a racist? I am so glad you pointed that out, I would have never know otherwise. I had only heard about his art career.

1 point

Well, he did run an organization that conserved a lot of great works of art and gold.

1 point

I only use one of those while with another heroin deprived girl willing to go ear to ear for a crowd of businessmen.

1 point

Step 2 is wrong. Just do a selective deafness situation because she says "going down" which is something that added to the mental (let's say) scenario that I was running whilst watching the video.

1 point

I know, I just wanted to do a lobotomy joke._

sauh(1106) Clarified
1 point

And happier.

1 point

Oooh, like cosmetic surgery for the frontal lobe. Maybe something akin to liposuction, frontal lobes are too heavy. Maybe a doctor, or whoever, can go up through the nasal cavity and remove a little bit of the frontal lobe, making you much sexier.

1 point

I don't care if this is legit or bullshit, I want to make it happen. Everyone please help brainstorm the cheapest way I can build one of those slides, that won't be certain death.

1 point

Because people are usually buried barefoot and those inner city youths are concerned that people in heaven might stub their toes and that is as close as they can get the shoes.

1 point

Why you got a saggy frontal lobe?

I burned my bra and my draft card a long time ago.

1 point

I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.

-Mitch Headburg.

1 point

Dude, I am disappointed.

Seriously, I think I have over-estimated you.

But every new legend has the moment of first seeing the old standard fall before his feet.

1 point

Finlay a topic worth debating.

I am officially contesting the results of this extremely scientific experiment. Joe, I'm sure you will convey my objection to these finding to the appropriate science police.

This contest was completely biased toward stoned.

Where was the "being in your home and the police come to the door on a noise complaint" contest?

Where was the "your girlfriend just broke up with you and you only get classic country on your radio singalong" contest?

Where was the "wanting to get in a fight and being able to justify that this random guy needs an ass-whooping" contest?

Where was the "I have a job that drug tests" contest?

Where was the "I'm going through D.T.s and don't want to have a seizure and die" contest?

Boom, five more points for drunk.

(Drop mike on stage.... Fall off stage.)

1 point

Maybe, but his recovery time was amazing.

It only took him three days to rise again... when he was dead. On a random Tuesday he could rise again in no time.

1 point

You are so insightful Joe, thank you for helping me understand why I gravitate toward larger mammalian protrusions. And lucky for me I'm shorter than most women so large mammalian protrusions also gravitate toward me.

This also sheds some light on why I get more and more erect whilst advancing in video games, each level I beat in super Mario Bros, I get closer and closer to beating my Toadstool.

1 point

With an analogy like that; I would think getting any girls bra off would be a challenge for you.

(Nothin but love)

1 point


(I really think you all over estimate your eloquence in the face of the Almighty.)

1 point

That is what I'm saying, you dumb son of a bitch, I can read what is under that burka. And what is under that burka is a fine female; what with the breast being firm and perky and a nice midsection, with a banging booty.

If you can't read what is under the burka, that is because you are racist.

1 point

I'm not sure I understand this debate; the chick in the burka in the debate topic is bangin', she is so fine I don't need any wine to give her the 69.

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