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PrayerFails's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of PrayerFails's arguments, looking across every debate.

True, what goes up it must come down. What is all the whining about from women?

Social programs don't "take other people's money" any more than your car insurance does.

Social programs is an example of taking other people's money because it is the involuntary exchange between government and oneself whereas car insurance is voluntary exchange between two parties.

When it is greed is when you want to take advantage of all of the roads, schools, and the education of the workforce of America, but then bitch and moan when you're asked to pay your fair share.

Just in case if you don't know, private citizens pay the government to build the roads and schools, so goods and other services have to exist before this can happen since government services are not market driven. Stupid as society is, we apparently trust government to provide these services.

And all the Toys we have in America are the result of our society, working together, and paying toward the future.

True, but it wasn't by consuming from government spending, it was from saving and investing.

There is no liberal that can explain this contradiction because this doublethink is what outlines their beliefs.

Thomas Sowell is brilliant.

That is why Joe is who he is. He goes far and beyond to get us the very best troll debate.

Beyond hilarious.


When this was on the front page, I instantly knew that it was a classic troll debate by joecavalry, yet it still made me laugh, and although I have never donated sperm, I am guessing it is much funnier if the nurses are willing to lend a hand. ;)

This is beyond the truth, this is precisely what I was thinking, you only beat me to it.

Funny, but not true.

Why the government will not legalize marijuana is:

1. Destroys the big government policing state machine

2. Eliminates drug cartels and breaks corrupt relationships with drug cartels.

Ban implies the use of unnecessary force, and the idea is just retarded.

Obama is straight thugging.-----------------------------------------

If your phone's operating system is not Windows or Android, then it is probably iOS, and it is sucks.

Government spending money wisely is a quaint idea, and it would be nice if taxpayers had more control, but this is impossible. Government will always have waste because the money is not allocated by market forces rather it is earmarked by the discretion of politicians and bureaucrats.

Topless pictures Kate, Nice. Let the world see these. Awesome man

Liberties are stripped away everyday, so some day liberala will have won until they see the monster that they created.

As long as there is boobs involved, this guy approves.



Good IDEA, it is a great way to know where their crony capitalism starts.

This debate was in my email, and so here I am. All I can do is shake my head and ask GOD WHY! With no response of course.

Casper3912's logic is almost comical, it is no surprise he reads Karl Marx.

The only argument iamdavidh has this your English is broken and bad spelling.

Maybe he is not a self egotistical ass who jizzes in his own hand about being first on the weekly leaderboard..-------------------------------------------

That is why voting for men is idiotic and voting with your money only makes more sense.

Basically, voting for power or market.

The CAPITALISM VS SOCIALISM or CAPITALISM VS COMMUNISM debates are always re posted in some shape or form.

Seriously, this gets the reward of WTF.

Just one of the many double talk in the ever increasing examples of government propaganda.

It is good, but this tops the cake. DERP


"Sleeping didn't mean anything until now. One man and one wife are having a glorious life together with one having a pair of epic tits, but when the man goes to sleep, he only awaits to find out that the epic tits have disappeared. So, he must go to all ends of the Earth including interrogating his wife to the whereabouts of his own wife's tits." Will he find these tits or was he tricked the whole time? Find out in this epic struggle between man and his wife's tits."

First, this is terrifying knowing that one day all the happiness could be gone just over night.

Second, I laughed starting at 50 seconds to 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

Third, Olivia Munn is incredibly hot, and if I woke up next to her only to find that her tits disappeared, I myself would be devastated.

The Law is an excellent book by Bastiat, I would suggest reading the whole entire book.

There is no way that I would unite with Neo-conservative or Republican.

Men and women simply can't be only friends, maybe in the eyes of the woman it is possible, but it will never happen in the eyes of the man.

The friend zone is the worst for the man. It is a trap because it sends signals to other woman that you are gay, and you looking only for female friendship.

If Joe is looking for an serious answer, it isn't happening. LETS SEE, this chick has been with 45 guys and two women with an STD, nope. Not a bad idea, but no one will voluntarily do this.

I am just curious as to why I am answering this question because even getting squirted on by multiple women would be gross, so being jizzed on would be probably be just as gross.

This is going without saying from me. This is obvious.--------------------

It is somewhere between getting a hole in one and seeing bottom side cleavage.

That is freaking hiliarous. Best thing I have seen in a while.------------------

That is all I do here.---------------------------------------------------------

Again, another pointless debate but hilarious.--------------------------------

At first, it was the points, now it is just to continue to follow the greatest troll known as Joecavalry and teach economics to idiots.

If a woman goes 5 minutes without complaining, kill it. She is not human, it is probably a robot or alien.

Only in America will a woman actually drag your ass to court for being "TOO NICE" to your own wife.



If you get a promotion ahead of her, that is favoritism.

If she gets a job ahead of you, it's equal opportunity.


If you work too hard there is never any time for her.

If you don't work enough, you're a good-for-nothing bum.


If you cry, you're a wimp.

If you don't, you're an insensitive bastard.


If you appreciate the female form and frilly underwear, you're pervert.

If you don't, you're gay.


If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy, that's domination.

If she asks you, it's a favor.

Genius, now will the gay community even understand this strategy or will they just want to hug it out and talk about rainbows?

It is crazy to think that your wife would stay at her mother's house just because the fridge isn't working even though it is.

I’ve never seen such a big bulge in a man’s pants. Wait a minute, yes I have – mine.

Hey, I lost my underwear, can I see yours?--------------------------------------------

The term Progressive is actually an oxymoron because government force never leads to prosperity nor progress. Only free people can progress humanity.

Progressives should rename themselves to regressives.

I decided for myself along time ago that "liberal", "conservative," "Democrat," "Libertarian," etc. are all just words made up by people who don't like to think for themselves.

That is a fallacious statement because no two people are the same, so no two people think the same. Those are general definitions of someone's beliefs politically and economically.

I recently just came back to the states from Europe and even setting things like government and politics aside, Europe is far more advanced.

Well, that is just one person's opinion. Thanks for the subjectivity.

why don't you actually tell me how you would like to improve healthcare for example, what steps you think need to be taken, or even why it doesn't need to be fixed.

Easy, free markets and voluntary exchange instead of coercion from government.

This is still a PRO OBAMA Music video, right.---------------------------------------

Already went through this in some previous debate.

Government intervention is the reason for poverty. Triangular intervention restricts the labor supply through licensing, conscription, tariffs and unions, which causes involuntary unemployment while binary intervention misdirects resources by taxation and expenditures causing Calculational Chaos, which distorts production. Therefore, free markets eliminates the restriction of the labor supply and entrepreneur while with distortion of resources.

To say that people have freedom but not opportunity is an obvious misinterpretation of the free market. The free market is the very definition of opportunity.

Especially if it is the local dyke, she likes getting poke.--------------------------

Never seen gay person fight. Interesting he's fighting for his life. Just may have to give it a go.

Good idea, I just may have to consult with Terminator. We could be TerminatePrayer Or TerminateLiberals.

This debate is totally messed up, but the mentally challenged will probably win considering the homo is terrified of everything.

Apparently, the dog got the wrong message as to what he thought his best friend wanted.

The dog was rejected on MAKING FIRST THE MOVE.

Basically, an monkey would challenge iamdavidh where the monkey won't even need a tape recorder to remember all of his arguments.

Well, Terminator and I share many of the same beliefs, yet I did propose a debate where we spar in a liberal bashing debate on who is the stupidest.

Otherwise, I am up for a debate.

Sounds like someone is failing in the boob massage. Boobs are only massaged for sexual pleasure.

Alarm clock are always handy in the mornings, but my biological clock is closely aligned with the electronic device.



Yeah, this will help you with future employment, so ThePyg, what did you do in the summer of 2012? Well, took the summer off and chilled on

They probably wouldn't tax them since they would hire the aliens as employees of the government.

I want to join them as well. Where are they anyway? They can play hide and go seek well.

Instead of adult day care through the system of welfare, national children day care provides care from the cradle to the grave where there will no be personalized individuals with indoctrinated minds.

Oh wait, this sounds familiar....this is basically government education except cradle to the grave.

Oh well,


Not a chance, apparently grandmas have better things to do than be on

I would venture to guess that it is the correct guess.-----------------------

Chad is on Chad on Sunday, so who is he on Monday through Saturday. Is he Chet?

Liberals are idiots, there is no debating this topic. They have no logic, just nonsense.

True, it is one of the many ways to test stupidity.------------------------------

The video is brilliant and hilarious satire, yet labor is nonspecific, and if studios want to risk their money with untalented athletes to play as actors that is their choice, but overall, it would be foolish to hire athletes as actors because lets face it, they can't act just as much as I can't play professional basketball.

Virtual Sex will be the next thing.---------------------------------------------------------

I saw Prometheus in 3D at the theater. It was good. Does that count? No MPO File though.

What is a TV and MPO? This is just crazy foreign talk?----------------------

NO, 3D.

True, they are truly ugly.-----------------------------------------------------------

Yeah, just what we need is to tax the most creative and innovative aspect of our lives.

As a former resident along with growing up in Wisconsin, it is good to see Walker win over Barrett. Barrett totally destroyed Milwaukee and continues to do so.

Cold, because I don't want to know who sat their ass on the toilet before me mere seconds or minutes.

A gay Christian only always have the hardest time in hell.--------

PC is now beyond ridiculous to the point of pathetic.-----------------------------

I guess if you are still child.-----------------------------------------------------

I like the Jurassic Park and Honey I Shrank the Kids.--------------------------

Maybe, this guy is an apprentice of the great Chuck Norris.----------------------

NOT THE BUTCH.----------------------------------------------------------------

Are you serious? They are remaking a timeless classic, this would have to be really good to out do the first one.

Ask any liberal moron, and this kind of competition is bad.--------------------

What do you mean what if the French were trolls, I just assumed they were trolls.

Who is everyone? Is is nearly impossible to piss me off? Some things grid my gears, but never pissed off.

Sex is just sex, it will remain the same despite the change in dynamics.

GO BOOB THING!!!--------------------------------------------------------------

Interesting videos, Promethus looks pretty decent, it reminds me of Aliens 1979.

The 1989 Batmobile is so much cooler because I don't know why. It just is.

As for the real show, we know who the real winner was.

Howard Wolowitz does say that as well.-------------------------------------------

Luckily, this has never happened to me, and it would seem odd to mention in a conversation.

Excuse me, I need to squeeze one out!

I don't always buy circular pizza, but when do, I cut my slices into triangles.

A blow up doll is much cheaper and less embarrassing. Go with the flow, bro.

FUNNY STUFF!!! --------------They do sweat more in the summer.--------------------------------------------------

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