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This personal waterfall shows you all of Thewayitis's arguments, looking across every debate.

The button they should wear is something more along these lines.....

Come join our church, because we hate yours.

I did have one, thanks for making that image a reality .

Now somebody tells me. After breaking all 18 rules at least now I know why the second date didn't happen.

The real question is; Should small breast be called breast?

So you are saying not one dollar is being spent on an attempt to prove God doesn't exist. Take a reality check, then get a lobotomy.

I am going to throw out a weird concept. How about instead of creating a new religion to avoid conflict between science and religion we just stop and realize we don't actually need religion and get rid of it. No religion = no conflict.

Why don't we just get scientist to work on things like cancer instead of them wasting billions of dollars attempting to explain the unexplainable and leave God alone? No extreme atheists = no conflict.

Thewayitis(4071) Clarified
1 point

I don't think GenericName (Aka, Al Gore) believes in Global warming.

Isn't the Republican elephant really a mammoth, both are extinct.

I have always admired you and words of wisdom. Are you still married? wink, wink

Does anybody know who you are? Do you even know who you are?

Thewayitis(4071) Clarified
1 point

Is there a right way to answer that question ?

You maybe on to something. Republicans are just those that never learned to share. Very interesting.

Have you ever got it caught in the sharpener ?

2 points

Don't really care, ACTUALLY

Thewayitis(4071) Clarified
1 point

And your point ?

The country is looking for a change and just because Obama didn't completely satisfy everyone's needs, doesn't mean that the country wants a man of any type to continue as President. Obama did get in because he's black and a change from white leadership was desired. This change desire is why Hillary will win, she is not a man. Just like Obama is not white.

Still have to provide source. I'm not convinced evolution has anything to do with fitness. Maybe after I join a gym, I'll get the connection.

No, Flewk is right. I created the debate and I botched the wording. He caught the mistake. That's just the way it is.

You really botched it then. To fit with the fitness of things then liberals want to protect the unfit. Now this fits.

Survival of the fittest, not the strongest.

Strong is used in the title of the debate, not fit. Fitness has nothing to do with this debate. Weak is also used in the title of this debate...Where is fitness in the title?

The only place where fit works in this debate is, you're not fit to debate.

If only the strong survive by means of evolution.....Why are elephants afraid of mice? Why are elephants (GOP) afraid of donkeys (liberals)? It appears that elephants are just plain chicken.

2 points

The past in the USA one could drive around and find spot labor to work doing such task as cleaning horse stalls, raking leaves, push mowing, baling straw, etc. Today these same type of people aren't holding signs saying,

"Will work for food." Instead they are holding signs that read,

"Will work for prevailing wage, 2 weeks paid vacation, insurance and a 401k."

The problem isn't because there is a lack of work, just the unwillingness to do any work.

If the pictures were to deploy reality they would go something like this.


Graduate from high school


Graduate from college


Graduate from masters program

Working at Mcdonalds

Bitching about dad taking away trust fund

Now for the other side

Don't study

Graduate from high school

Don't study

Drop out of college

Work at Mcdonalds

Thewayitis(4071) Clarified
1 point

One never knows what is the intent of anything that is art, the reason it is art.

For one; How do know it is pot they are smoking and not just a normal cigarette?

Secondly; I can't read the label on the bottles and since you assume it's beer, I'm assuming it's grape nehi. (The drink that Radar on MASH drinks)

Thewayitis(4071) Clarified
1 point

Are you sure they weren't pushing a BLT instead ?

I saw it as studying and not working. Scientifically defined:

Work = force x distance

How much distance can one go sitting on their ass?

If this is the case; Why are both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs college drop-outs?

I just hope he can run really fast .

Make sure you clean out the cob-webs when you find the "right individual".

Personally I see the 10 commandments of a rational debate as simply being a cop-out for those unable to hold their own. "All is fair in love and war." and debating should fall in their some where.

4 points

To help with this debate, I thought examples are in order.

1. Though shall not attack the person’s character, but the argument itself. (“Ad hominem”)

Example: Dave listens to Marilyn Manson, therefore his arguments against certain parts of religion are worthless. After all, would you trust someone who listens to that devil worshiper?

2. Though shall not misrepresent or exaggerate a person’s argument in order to make them easier to attack. (“Straw Man Fallacy”)

Example: After Jimmy said that we should put more money into health and education, Steve responded by saying that he was surprised that Jimmy hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenceless by cutting military spending.

3. Though shall not use small numbers to represent the whole. (“Hasty Generalization”)

Example: Climate Change Deniers take a small sample set of data to demonstrate that the Earth is cooling, not warming. They do this by zooming in on 10 years of data, ignoring the trend that is present in the entire data set which spans a century.

4. Though shall not argue thy position by assuming one of its premises is true. (“Begging the Question”)


Sheldon: “God must exist.”

Wilbert: “How do you know?”

Sheldon: “Because the Bible says so.”

Wilbert: “Why should I believe the Bible?”

Sheldon: “Because the Bible was written by God.”

Wilbert: “WTF?”

Here, Sheldon is making the assumption that the Bible is true, therefore his premise – that God exists – is also true.

5. Though shall not claim that because something occurred before, but must be the cause. (“Post Hoc/False Cause”).

This can also be read as “correlation does not imply causation”.

Example: There were 3 murders in Dallas this week and on each day, it was raining. Therefore, murders occur on rainy days.

6. Though shall not reduce the argument down to only two possibilities when there is a clear middle ground. (“False Dichotomy”)

Example: You’re either with me, or against me. Being neutral is not an option.

7. Though shall not argue that because of our ignorance, the claim must be true or false. (“Ad Ignorantiam”).

Example: 95% of unidentified flying objects have been explained. 5% have not. Therefore, the 5% that are unexplained prove that aliens exist.

8. Though shall not lay the burn of proof onto him that is questioning the claim. (“Burden of Proof Reversal”).

Example: Marcy claims she sees the ghosts of dead people, then challenges you to prove her wrong. The burden of proof is on Marcy, not you, since Marcy made the extraordinary claim.

9. Though shall not assume that “this” follows “that”, when “it” has no logical connection. (“Non Sequitur”).

Similar, but the difference between the post hoc and non sequitur fallacies is that, whereas the post hoc fallacy is due to lack of a causal connection, in the non sequitur fallacy, the error is due to lack of a logical connection.

Example: If you do not buy this Vitamin X supplements for your infant, you are neglecting your her.

10. Though shall not claim that because a premise is popular, therefore, it must be true. (“Bandwagon Fallacy”).

Example: Just because a celebrity like Dr. Oz endorses a product, it doesn’t make it any more legitimate.

Most guys these days need feminism since manual labor isn't being done by them. How else are they going to get calluses on their hands?

Just proves how much worse women drivers are, as you mentioned.

At least Joe's user pictures are getting easier to look at.

That would be like tempting Satan himself if he did so .


It is a better picture, but I don't think Joe wants everybody to know what he really looks like.

Apparently, they are sold to those that need them.

An atheist on a debate site that has mostly atheists, and you claim you're a minority. HaHa.

There are many Americans that don't believe in American democracy, because there isn't a democracy in America. What the people want is not what government does. This is because only the rich can be elected and the rich will only work for the rich.

As far as the initial point goes, not voting as no chance of changing anything. Voting has at least a small chance, a very, very small chance of changing things. When one bitches and does nothing but bitch, get use to be called a bitch.

Now about not arguing on a debate web-site; Why are you here? Go to Facebook, Twitter or some other site to socialize with your atheists friends.

All this coming from a bed wetter. Grow up and stop thinking you are the God you claim doesn't exist.

"He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom." James Huneker

Where do you get your wisdom from? I forgot, you have none. You only side with what is popular, because you lack many things. Among that list is balls, brains, and the ability to see anything because your head is still up somebody's ass.

You just killed any credibility in this argument. Not that you ever had any with me to begin with.

This is the trouble with people like you, I never had any credibility with you because I never say what you want to hear. The only way that somebody can be credible to you, is to agree with you. I have balls and can stand just fine without the need for a butt buddy. If you would ever pull your head out of other people's ass, you might find the truth different then that black hole you've been stuck in.

Of course I made a sexist statement. I don't intend to be politically correct, ever. There are those who pussy foot around and those that do things, I'm the latter.

How is my statement exaggerated? Do believe what canidates say? There is no such thing as hyper-simplified, one cannot make something too simple and/or have too much of a simple thing.

Since you don't vote, in my opinion you should have no say. All you want to do is bitch like a little whiny woman. Grow a pair of balls and do more than bitch.

Maybe the economy will pick up and I'll have better lunch/suppers from the dumpster. In this economy the pickens are slim. I hope the fat cats get even fatter, so I can have what falls from the table. Nothing like a dumpster feast to get you through the day.

Hope is nothing but false promises that may never come to fruition. Not heartless, just realistic.

And yet people vote and expect a change knowing that those running do so on false promises. Do you vote? Why? If you don't believe in hope, then aren't you the biggest hypocrite in the world? Just being realistic.

You are correct, the shortage is man-made. Natural diamonds are handled in bulk with dump trucks and loaders, De Beers buys and stockpiles massive amounts of diamonds making them more expensive then they really are.

The lack of hope doesn't cause fear, only desperation. Fear is what scares you, not what you need.

......., should I feel the need for hope to begin with.

You should always have a need for hope, hope for others, hope that the hungery will be fed, hope that wars are avoided, etc. What are you, completely heartless?

Subjecting yourself to those that fits your point of view doesn't support the notion that people need God.........for the reasons of fear. We already live in a Godless world in regards to how people treat people. Most people don't need God, they want God. Fear is not the motive. To believe that this miserable existence we have as human has some purpose higher than what can be fathomed, is not fear but hope.

Who says? You? Hardly an expert on the subject of religions. Having a preconceived bias on religion only makes you prejudice against religion, not expert on religion.

Thewayitis(4071) Clarified
1 point

Just to set the record straight, I too thought it was puff. Google says differently.

Do a search for Stay Puff Marshmellow and it will direct you to Stay Puft Marshmellow

Those aren't puff pieces, they are puft pieces.

After doing a little research I came across this in the Urban Dictionary.

PUFT A girly man. Someone who is suspected of homosexuality. A puft may be someone who is not yet out of the closet or not even really gay. Often pufts have girlfriends. These pufts profess love and subserviance to their female master. They are fans of sweater vests and poetry and can often be intellectual snobs.

Me, cynical? Never .

Yes I can. Quit touching your face after handling posion ivy. Hope this helps.

The answer is very simple my dear comrades.

The author is a black man who deflowered a white woman and now thinks he's in heaven.

Never tell your loved ones that they are adopted, lie to them.

2 points

Now Little Joey, I'd like to help you with your rant and if you would speak a little slower it be nice. Is there anything that I can do to help you understand debating better?

The guy is a fraud. Those are not marshmellows but pieces of the Stay Puft Marshmellow Guy from when Ghost Busters got him.

Boy, I love the holiday spirit .

2 points

My guess is from their friends. It sure wasn't their parents. Are you one of their friends?

Do you ever think about the young generation? I do. Too bad they don't have any thoughts. I'm sure that if you drilled a hole in the top of a young persons head and looked inside; you'd find nothing where a brain should be.

Maybe the damage sustained by my brain during the 60's was far worse than I had anticipated

Whatever gave you that idea? It is completely obvious the 60's did effect you. Remember those commercials of an egg frying.

That sure screwed up the whole birds and bees talk I was given. Today one has to have a bird and bird talk along with a bee and bee talk besides the normal bird and bee talk. Now you have to explain how the bird is really a bee and the bee is really a bird. It was much simpler when bees were bees and birds were birds. However I never did figure out how birds and bees had offspring.

What tips do you have for me? Not that I need any help .

Always expect the unexpected. Desperate situations call for desperate measures.

2 points

I'm glad you asked, because I have so many. The best one is to meet people in a blackout, candlelight does wonders. Of course slipping a little something in her drink works, makes you appear a little better. You can always go with a classic, chloroform. A paper bag over someone's head can improve looks.

"Beauty is only a light switch away."

2 points

That would be too easy to hit .

And what would that question be ?

Why did the supposed HarvardGrad write an argument ?

Why would you want to win an argument here on CD ?

Yup. One could get a job if one wanted to work. Today even if you want to work, you can't. Somebody had to go and create Human Resources and screw things up. Now experience doesn't count, talent is not desired, but a degree from the University of Phoenix will get you a job. Never did I have a land line drop a call or a file cabinet get virus. Technology has done wonders. We can now text and drive, while watching TV and eating fast food. The good old days when one actually had a face to face conversation and you couldn't get dumped via a text message or e-mail.

The good old days when gasoline cost 79 cents and new car cost $2500.00 Today cars cost what homes where worth and homes cost just a years pay. Yes things were better, government worked for the people, people wanted to work, and everything cost less. Young people had to be born and ruin all this.

Even better if she was a contortionist .

2 points

One can never have too much of a good thing .

I'm aware of those things in which I did and said, I did and said them after all.

At this age I'm unwilling to change and frankly I really don't care what people think of me.

"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!" Theodore Roosevelt

Make it a law that the rich cannot reproduce. Do you really want more Kardashians, Paris Hiltons, Lindsay Lohans, Mitch McConnels, George W. Bush, etc.?

What's the problem? He got the cat out of the tree.

I would have suggested the method they used in the movie Police Academy.

If your a theist, the best way to commit suicide is to go to CreateDebate. Atheists try to drown you in Holy Water while holding a Crucifix, yelling atheism isn't a religion.

I get ogled or something like it all the time .

No, it's not. It's called grasping for straws. You've already made several points predicated on the literal interpretation of your statements, and only when they're shot full of holes do you say "I meant it a different way!" As is rather habitual with you.

Go ahead list all those points that I have made. This is a Cartman tactic where no evidence is provided and just the word of an atheist. Let the up-votes roar in as evidence is not required just camaraderie.

I'm certain that this is a typo. No theist could seriously accuse the atheistic view of that. Even if it were true of the majority, it would be hypocritical. I'll say no more and I'll wait for you to revise your statement.

As I have stated several times already, YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Think about it dim wit. You could do a Google search for what I said, since it is evident that you don't understand the origin or who said this statement.

Oh, look at you, don't you think you're clever? The context of that statement was in regards to generalizations; Personal observations of anecdotal are insufficient to draw conclusions regarding an overall population. For example, one's experience dating is insufficient to make observations of the preferred sex in general. This isn't applicable when we're using personal observation of a specific individual to draw conclusions regarding that specific individual. Generalizations may not apply to specific individuals at all, and personal exposure can demonstrate this. Observation of an individual tells you about the individual, but not the population.

Your the one that preached that a single individual isn't qualified to make any claims or generalizations and yet you made one about me. HYPOCRITE.

It is a view that I hold personally, but I'm hardly alone there, and the reasoning required to reach that view is essentially unassailable.

Everything is questionable. Unless you're all-knowing. Are you?

Oh, another attempt to be clever. You aren't seriously suggesting that I am accusing you of some form of sorcery; that I assert you're actually transforming individuals who disagree with you into monsters, are you? If I had used 'demonize' instead of 'make a monster out of' would you then accuse me of theism, even satanism? Ridiculous.

Where did I say anything about sorcery? What is ridiculous is the way you make up things and you think theist have a vivid imagination.

I thought I looked too good in the picture I used here and they might think it was photo shopped, so I used another one in which I toned it down a bit.

Go to OKcupid. It is supposed to be a dating website, but it has tons of test you can take. Some of these test were made by the Okcupid and others were made by individuals. Most are corny, but they do let you know how you rank among others that have taken the test.

And I'm loved here .

3 points

I'm here because I took a test on a web-site and the results are as follows:

"People love to hate you, because you love to argue. The strange thing is you probably took that as a compliment. Why, I bet you've already got a witty comeback all lined up ready to throw right back at me.

What you don't realize is that your inane obsession with debating pisses everyone off. Whatever happened to us all trying to get along? I mean, you're so annoying people disagree with you for the damn sake of it! NOBODY cares about your abundant opinions. Trust me.

Believe it or not, but there's more to life than your expansive knowledge and sharp repertoire. When was the last time you showered? Brushed your teeth?

While you're up in Never never land, getting excited over future possibilities and your crazy theories, We have to put up with your awful stench. I can smell you from here.

Your personality is ideal for that of a future lawyer and because everyone already hates you, you have nothing to lose."

Still looking for the hidden camera.

Oh no, don't try and dodge that now :P You always do this, say things one way and when how much of an ass you are being is made inarguably evident, you claim you didn't mean it as you said it. You seem to have conflated the concept of having an open mind with that of being completely ineffective at communication.

It's called having an open-mind. I know what I write can often be taken several different ways, as I write it this way. You without looking for any other meaning immediately take what I say literally. It may or may not be literal. I suggest you ponder what I write for awhile before posting or can continue to stick foot in mouth.

If that were the only factor, I expect you'd rank mine pretty highly. The context of the statement seems to imply otherwise, though. This is completely consistent with your character, drawing conclusions that are entirely separate from the actual data.

And go with the atheistical approach to things; If theory doesn't fit the facts, change the facts. opinion of you is based entirely on my personal experience with and observation of your statements, debate style, and overall positions on this board.

"Personal observation is insufficient. Confirmation and negativity biases are not simply a problem- they are an evolved (or created, if you insist) part of our reasoning. Everyone suffers from these. Your personal observation is only marginally accurate in respect to the data points that you have personally observed, and is not accurate in respect to the general population." thousandin1 We shouldshunbusinessesthat#arg569318

Your posts might actually stand if nobody tried to apply reason to them!

Is this your personal view?

You really ought to do some self-reflection rather than try and make a monster out of anyone who dares to disagree with you.

Monsters you believe in, it's just gods you don't?


It is quite comical though watching those that "lack a belief" preach to all. Keep spreading the word.

0 points

"Faith is not contrary to reason. Faith is reason grown courageous." Sherwood Eddy

When you quit being a cold and unlogical individual you'll see this.

Too bad you were not around to influence art back then, today we might have free porn on TV 24/7

Oh, was it sarcasm? My bad.

I'm sure that what you said is true to the narrow minded.

You're certainly one to talk regarding being narrow minded. I doubt there are many people on here less open minded than you are, friend.

I find this to be hysterical because you claim to have an open mind and yet you took my words literally. How open is to have only one meaning to a person's words? I'm accused of taking things out of context and you're the one that doesn't know the context. Try looking for the actual meaning of words before inserting foot in mouth.

Of course. Some good ones, Many warranting consideration, some very poor ones, and some so poor as to not be worth entertaining. Three guesses as to where I consider yours to rank in this particular instance?

Considering your inability to understand the English language, guess where I rank your opinion.

You attack a strawman, sir, for I wholeheartedly agree. I am not speaking of any random hypothetical opinion or view here, however- I am speaking of yours. Disagreeing with me isn't what makes it fallacious- faulty premises, irrational reasoning, cherry picking of facts, and the odd strategically placed blatant lie is what makes your view fallacious.

Your troubles is that you are prejudice against me and therefore have no intentions of applying any reasoning behind any argument that post. "I am speaking of yours." Your words. It is not my arguments that have the faulty premise, but according to you it is me being here is that faulty premise. Thanks for being open-mind.

I can see that happening in your case .

That all women get religious during sex with me; Oh god, yes, yes, oh god......

I'll just leave this here for you.

And I'll leave this for you as it is obvious you have never heard of it.;=define+sarcasm

Also, while a lot of criticism on this site isn't unfounded (whether directed at the atheists, the religious, or otherwise), yours is completely unfounded. This is because it's based on completely and blatantly fallacious premises. Perhaps you may stumble onto the right answer occasionally, but it won't really matter because you wouldn't be able to prove it or repeat it.

I'm sure that what you said is true to the narrow minded. As I have pointed out several times already, the world doesn't consist of just your opinions and views. There are other opinions and views. No opinion or view is blatantly fallacious just because it does not argee with yours.

Yep, you have pegged me dead on except for the these small details. I don't like coffee, I don't wear glasses, don't listen to music, and my criticism isn't unfounded. Thanks though for pegging me dead on.

Yep, that's it I'm jealous. After all just the best and brightest waste their time here. Go ahead and be "King of the Outhouse". More power to you.

Big surprise to find atheists proud of themselves. Up-vote away. What is not a mystery is that they had nothing to add but the votes. Find an atheistical leader and you'll find plenty of sheep. Baa

The worst time to have a heart attack is while visiting some one at the hospital; It has got to cut done on your chances of surviving.

Have you ever had a sub that is eaten as a light meal? Most subs are rather large, the reason one orders half a sub. Is half a sub a sandwich? I'm so confused. Thanks Uncle Joe.

This one along with; How do they get toothpaste into the tube?













This isn't the intended use! I wear 2 of them. I just touch my wrist and .......

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