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This personal waterfall shows you all of Thewayitis's arguments, looking across every debate.

At one time I used to criticize state highway workers (one working and three watching). As I get older, I'd like to be one of the three.

2 points

I never assume anyone is stupid, just ill-informed .

Besides this, it doubles as a french tickler of sorts .

2 points

But I found it on a Google want me to doubt the all powerful and all-knowing Internet? Get real!!!

I have you beat. I'm shy 2 billion from being a billionaire.

0 points

It also can't do anything. You can't do nothing.

Damn middle school drop out.

First off, English isn't an absolute language. What is taught varies between those doing the teaching. When I was in college, there was this English professor who I could never please. He found a thousands things wrong with every paper I turned in. I decided to get some help from another English professor that I had 2 quarters earlier. She went through my paper with a fine tooth comb, marking it up to where it was hardly readable. I corrected all the errors and turned the paper in. I did worse after I had another professor go through the paper.

Secondly, authors such as Margret Atwood, Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, etc. are the very things taught in these classes and the English in them doesn't live up to the very standards in which education systems teach. Ben Franklin used the word chusen instead of chosen all the time. Twain as I mentioned repeatedly used "that that" to the point where it is the only thing you can remember after reading one of his essays.

Thirdly;You may not be able to do nothing, but I can.

Fourth and finally; Do nothing is an oxymoron. If prisons can have model prisoners, I certainly can do nothing.

About a billion dollars .

0 points

If you unplug a robot, it too can do nothing. lol

At a second glance I thought it was a girl. I'm so confused!!!

At first glance I thought it was a chick .

3 points

Had to be the "BouncingBetty seduces Joecalvary" Debate. Hope Joe can find this one and post the link. It will have you rolling on the ground.

That they are young .

It's a waste.

Somebody would have to be plumb dumb.

Don't they have a perfume, "Essence of you"?

0 points

According to atheists all people share the same ancestor, the ape. While smart people don't date their cousin, parent, brother, sister, etc., the atheist is bent on dating the distant cousin the ape. This inbreeding among atheists has led to them being extremely stupid.

If I have offended any atheists, I'm sorry. If I send you some bananas; Will you forgive me?

0 points

“Words can be lies, but pictures are deceptions without thought. “ Thewayitis

"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!" Theodore Roosevelt

I wouldn't have minded working with Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter).

“By the time your life is finished , you will have learned just enough to begin it well.” Eleanor Marx

I'm glad to know that the self doesn't exist. Does this now mean that even when you're masturbating that you actually had sex with somebody else?

2 points

Thanks Uncle Joe, Up to this point I've been using the ass gasket in the urinal. First, because it doesn't hold water to began with and so there is no splash. Secondly, if you use the tall one it is easier for old guy like me to get up after you you're finished.

A little too much information. I know it's by choice, just so you go when the mood fits you.

I stated it this because I didn't want to offend those that didn't reach that level and wasn't sure where you stood, sat, crawled.

You start out this way and end this way. There is a brief period in the middle that most of us have where the diaper is missing.

Throw-up, piss, and shit, aren't they cute .

2 points

I up-voted you, but I have to say I disagree .

2 points

Love is taking out the trash,etc. without being asked to do so even-though you hate doing it.

Not only is it possible but it has been done. Growing up, the neighbors used to say that my mom drove so fast that; She could leave 15 minutes after the hour and get some where 5 minutes before that same hour.

Define succeed. Is it fame, power, money, or just enjoying what you're doing?

I read it and pointed out that those that can't do teach.

I can name several examples where the "professional intellects" are idiots. One example is as follows.

Farm manager lost family farm while setting record breaking yields. He spent more doing this than what the return was.

The more one is educated the less common sense they have.

If you cannot learn on your own, you sure as hell can't learn anything by going to college. Save yourself the cost and Google it.

Besides this point; What college kid hasn't killed a few hundred brain cells partying?

Where do think I plug my laptop into to charge it? I also charge my cell phone on my cart as well.

They allow me to park my shopping cart any where I want, they should allow you the same privileges.

They should allow you to park on the sidewalk with your handicap.

Joe has it hard, he has a mental handicap. Haven't you had any discussions with him?

2 points

He doesn't. I'm sure his insurance pays plenty for physical therapy, on the parking lot he can get the physical therapy for free.

Wait..., what. When have Kleptomaniacs ever taken a anything literally? They only take things figuratively. This is why you cannot charge a Kleptomaniac for theft.

One black fan and no white fans, this just shows how little fans the police have.

I don't care what people think, only what they say .

Of course they are, sorry I thought it said atheists are the biggest trolls.

Joe said and when Joe speaks, "People listen" .

(Joe is a former employee of E.F. Hutton)

And that's a bad thing? So you don't think I can get a job as a model? I guess it's back to porn.

What's wrong with the way he looks ?

2 points

Kite626, "Young people leave home now while you still know everything."

I read this once on a bumper sticker and just because young people think they know everything, doesn't mean they do.

2 points

Cyanide .

All you have to do is watch the "The Honeymooners" to see how older people acted and lived, then you'll have your answer.

After reading most of your post and debate topics, I'd say messing with Joe isn't very hard.

2 points

I thought he has always attempted to actually debate, but right before he post is distracted. My guess, some shiny object caught his eye. Probably glitter on Bouncing Betty's bosom. Then in some out-of-body experience, post his thoughts.

"Take that job and shove it" comes to mind .

Supporting Evidence: Johnny Paycheck (

Definitely over is right. With the under method the toilet paper touches the wall and we all know the good job every one does at cleaning bathrooms.

Much better, but the moment has passed. Give me second .

Don't forget the vaseline .

2 points

You sure know how to wreck things. In the spirit of the revolution can't you lie?

2 points

Just because I'm almost as twisted as Joe, I had to post here. Boobies

Atheists test your faith? It isn't much of a test .

I suspect Joe would be more like the rooster in a cock fight that didn't win. Worse shape then Kramer when he jumped in to save Little Jerry.;=player_detailpage

I'm pretty sure I've seen this before on "Highway to Heaven" starring Michael Landon.

Sadly, no .

Sounds like a whole lot of crap to me .

I almost drank Old English furniture polish while watching this video, more people are likely to die from this video by other methods anyway.

Get your head out of your ass and think for the first time in your life.

Were you born this stupid or did you have to work at it?

How long has your IQ been the same as your shoe size?

"The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything." Oscar Wilde

Joe, you must not be old enough to know that everything that you see on the news is fact. Maybe another ten years and then retirement.

Since when has any atheist mocked another person's religion or tried to shove they beliefs down some ones throat. We all know they are above this and would never look down on anybody else from their perch high in sky above us.

Of course they are. This explains why so many men are pussy whipped.

Since when have any of your post been G ?

Damn you Joe. I don't know what you're talking about .

Is there something wrong white out? The fumes are great if you can find a can made in the sixties.

2 points

Do you ever feel like giving people a little push forward in life? Yes, but only when they are standing on the curb and a bus is coming.

I live in Ohio and I already get blamed for everything, go ahead blame me for this too. Oh, how I envy Atlas. He only had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

To those that said Subway, I need the location of the store near you.

I've been saying this for sometime .

Supporting Evidence: Gorillas, Apes, atheists. (

I don't know what the rest of you are talking about, I haven't seen any repeat, religious debates.

2 points

I did some critical thinking and this is when it hit me that I must already be an atheist. We all know only atheists are able to do critical thinking. Don't worry with logic like this I'm sure I'll fit right in.

You got me, I'm jealous. I'm also converting to atheism, because they are so convincing. I've always wanted to go to an atheist convention and here a god speak. I wonder how they decide which god will be the guest speaker when they are all gods (all knowing that is).

It won't make you smarter, but it may make you able to tolerate the creator of this debate.

When the person doesn't like the rebuttal you gave and demands a rebuttal, I call that a win. Wouldn't you?

There is always the "Fallacy" cry that supports you kicked butt. fallacy, Fallacy, FALLACY Like the capitals make it carry more weight.

Just when they are on the receiving end. Was going to add link, but this site is PG13

Of course it is more difficult, but not impossible. Any one with half a brain can tell what is believable and what is not. To take everything on the Internet at face value; doesn't take a genius, but an idiot.

As far as incompetence goes, I'm not the one that took my statement at face value.

Do you consider yourself an atheist? What I wrote is sarcasm and yet the so called educated takes it literally. The atheists' society needs to find a new spokesperson in order to be taken seriously. What is utterly laughable is you.

I am here because as a Christian it is my responsibility to educate heathens and rid the world of sinners. Here at CD I can kill two birds with one stone.

2 points

Men know what love is, it is women that do not know what love is. Men marry for love, women marry for stability. As unscientific as the corner restaurant maybe, this is their findings. Men have swore to it and women have conceded to it.

You'd make an excellent cell mate.

Come back to my place and take a load off.

Conservative logic: Wait, they don't have any .

What mistake? Please list so all can see. You remind me of this quote, "An empty wagon rattles."

Yes, it does. Rational thinking and all .

I'm liberal .

"Puppy" it's a dog you idiot.

"MF" been called that myself.

Will add more later.

How would greet Spock? I don't think a hand shake would do. In fact it would be illogical to greet him with a handshake. .

2 points

Who can argue that if you can't afford to have kids, you probably shouldn't have them.

2 points

Somebody still listens to him? I thought he was dead . Are you sure this wasn't a rerun?

If you thought of your self as a good looking monkey; Wouldn't the monkeys be offended?

2 points

It is not those things listed, but the reason joe is so messed up will become clear as I list them.

National Geographic's tribute to African women, which joe carried with him in Junior High for some reason. (Topless women page 49, I'm strictly guessing. That's my story and I'm sticken to it.)

Watching reruns of the Brady Bunch. (He actually thinks families are like this)

Wild E. Coyote's failed attempts to catch the Roadrunner. (He learned at a young age failure is unavoidable and so he never attempted to succeed at anything.)

Elmer Fudd had failed at so many other occupations that he became a teacher and mentor to joe as well. (Ask joe to say wabbit)

Speaking about rabbits, I wonder if he still carries Jessica's picture in his wallet?

As you can plainly see, it was society that did him in.

What freaky things? Please explain. Can a demostration be arranged? I'm always eager to learn, this is reason I'm here in the first place.

I don't see in any way that there is a conflict, because a hospital, charity, etc, that bears a religious name or has ties to a religion is not a church. These places or organizations are supposed to be for the benefit of society as a whole and not strictly for the pushing of ideas on others. If a hospital, organization only wants to aid its members and not society, this would be a different story. These places are open to the public, not just its' members.

They didn't order any religion to preach the use of birth control, churches are exempt. If Catholics don't like helping those outside their religion, then their hospitals should be deemed as private hospitals and not except money from any type of insurance that doesn't fit their religion.

Room for thought, does the Catholic church feed only the hungry that doesn't steal, kill, commit adultery, etc.

2 points

You need this for proof that God isn't perfect. He made mankind, isn't that enough. He had the perfect world then went too far with his creation.

Does God exist? Whether you answered yes or no, your religion has declared.

"Any absolutist attitude is always a religious attitude, and in whatever respect a man becomes absolute, there you see his religion." Carl Jung.

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