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Kalamazoo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kalamazoo's arguments, looking across every debate.
Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
1 point

Not really an escalation, more of a natural progression to the scenario which you've painted.

People don't like their children being shot, so they will provide them with the whatever personal protection they would need for survival.

1 point

Now there's an idea, a real 'light bulb' moment.

I'll bet your post is undergoing a feasibility study by the C.I.A. at this very moment.

1 point

I think all of us, even the black criminals, know the answer to that problem. We're paying a very heavy price for the sins of our fathers, i.e, slavery. Violence and criminality is a congenital characteristic of black people and we are just going to have to live with the eye-watering cost of keeping them away from normal society. Maybe sometime in the future a programme of sterilization will be introduced.

1 point

How dare you not take offence when I went to the effort to be downright offensive. I was exercising my civil right to be insulting and you hadn't the common decency to express annoyance. From here on in I'm going to be polite and pleasant to you. See how you like those apples.

1 point

Of course we have you fool. Everyone on this site, including you, but excluding me, are are a bunch of pretentious wannabe academics who cannot communicate with their fellow human beings in the real world, so you, along with the rest of the rabble on here, use this medium to rent your frustrations and hang ups which are a result of your social backwardness. The stupidity of your questions are only surpassed by the embarrassingly ridiculous answers which you sometimes try to give.

1 point

Yeah, I've noticed that in all the movie night club scenes, even the most recent ones, Sam is always there in the corner playing,(it again) ''As Time Goes by'' with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman leaning on the piano.

1 point

I still use my Al Capone, bulletproof V8 Cadillac fast getaway Sedan. Great for hanging out the back windows blasting away with a Tommy gun, even when you're not being chased.

Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
1 point

Hey,you sure dam de funny girl. Why I bet you have dem Bothers falling out of de trees with laughter back home down the Bongo.

1 point

I belong to a society of secrets, but not a secret society.

2 points

I place intuition over logic every time. Creativity is seldom, if ever, based on logic. Entertainment is not based on logic, it is a medium of intellect and emotion. Inventiveness is spawned from totally illogical concepts and romantic visions of things never seen, tried nor even imagined before. The boredom of logic is the region where mathematicians spend their time. Throw the 'logic commandments of debate' in the bin and let every participant present their argument in their own individual manner.

1 point

The Planet of the Apps. Can't say that I do because I don't. Slack was the name given to a loose, slow burning solid fuel used in open fires around the the period of 40s and 50s. It spawned the light-hearted comment, tell your da not to go down the coal mine, there's plenty of slack in his drawers, (underpants).

1 point

On Friday past, somewhat lost, I was driving through the misty glens of County Mayo and stopped to ask the way to Achill Island. The local gave me clear directions and then, as I was leaving, commented, 'isn't that Donald Trump a dangerous man''. I thought, gee, even in the remotest corners of Ireland this boisterous man is both famous and feared. But, I think unjustifiably so. The people to fear are not true Americans, prominent or otherwise. By true Americans I mean the descendants of those European settlers who pioneered the Land and made it a nation which has the low lives of the failed countries of the world trying to gain entry by fair means of foul.

1 point

Well done the Americans. Once again it's the Yanks to the rescue in France.

1 point

The ''four noble truths' didn't seem to impress the Chinese communists as they occupied the country and brutally extinguished a major uprising in 1959. My ''noble truth is;- if you want peace, prepare for war.

1 point

Despite what the cynics say, it is still very much a country where the people have the freedom to make it whatever they want it to be. A free, enterprising, self reliant and confident nation. Long live America.

1 point

A man without a chopper, or a woman without a Mantovani is of no earthly good to anyone. It is best to expunge the earth of such freaks of nature.

1 point

The tuition fees are a bit hefty, but it's a real breathtaking experience. However, the strictly enforced enrollment criteria can be difficult to pass. You have to be a filthy, low life, mass murdering terrorist.

1 point

I'm not sure what comes next, but I went to one of those gay, biker, transgender, straight, bi-sexual, Hari Krishna Sushi bars recently and I feel the answer may well evolve from some such place.

1 point

Criminals of all skin colours get shot every day trying to resist arrest. It's just that blacks have an inbuilt persecution complex which is fostered, and indeed encouraged by sanctimonious numskulls like you trying to stir the brown stuff. Killing for sport is pathetic and sick and the filth who willfully subjected this majestic animal to a prolonged 48 hour agonizing death deserves to be treated in exactly manner. Try thinking before you do a bit of cheap sniping from the anonymity of your computer room by making an altogether inappropriate analogy in an effort to gain the moral high ground. The big brave dentist will probably never be able to safely practice his profession again.

1 point

What about if we say that there is no such thing as an absolute truth? If we agree with that assertion, then the statement itself is an absolute truth. So, following that logic we have to accept that there is such a thing as an absolute truth which automatically renders that all opposing arguments are wrong.

1 point

That's why I never travel on an American or British ship. Other nation's shipping lines don't have this '' woman & children first'' rubbish.

1 point

Despite having all the advanced technology to which they referred at their disposal meteorologists and scientists can't forecast the weather accurately much further than 3 or 4 days ahead. In this context I would take this report with a ''dose'' of salts.

1 point

I agree, and recognise the essential part bees play in the global Eco system, but like other environmental catastrophes we are told the problem without offering a viable solution in which we could participate. We're told that every day a section of the rain forest the size of Wales is destroyed, ( it's always Wales) and the disastrous affect this has on the world's climate. What can I do about that? Go to South America and ask those logger chaps if they would mind awfully to stop chopping down so many trees? I'm sure you can see the problem I'd have with that. Travelling back to Ireland from Brazil with a hatchet sticking from my head would be bothersome. How can I help to save the world's honey bee population? Along with 100s of 1000s of others I plant flowers and flowering bushes which bees like, but this doesn't seem to be working. Let the experts tell us what to do and we'll give it our best shot.

Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
1 point

Out of date proverb ;-''Beware Greeks bearing gifts''. No quarter should be given. The money which was given, and will continue to be given, derives from the hard working taxpayers of the Euro Zone States. The politicians, ( who in my opinion, were guilty of gross misconduct), were charged with the responsibility of using taxpayer's dosh wisely and prudently, but instead acted with blind disregard of Greece's disastrous economy and betrayed the electorate of their respective countries and should be summarily dismissed and charged with criminal negligence. Successive Greek governments willfully flaunted the fiscal restrictions governing membership of the Euro Zone in the full knowledge of the inevitable consequences. What, I ask, has changed within the Greek economy to make anyone think that they will be able to repay any new loans never mind the existing amount of £ 340 billion? Other countries which could shortly follow Greece include, Portugal, Spain and Italy. Should all these siesta loving, wine drinking nations all be ''cut some slack''?

1 point

Firstly, anyone can refer back to an isolated, specific point in history which suits their argument. The main recipients of the American aid programme, or the 'Marshall Plan' ( which was a loan, now repaid,) were France, the United Kingdom and Germany. no prizes for knowing the nation which used Uncle Sam's dosh to the best advantage. The Germans defaulted on the payments of the debt incurred as a result of the death and destruction they caused during WW1, whereas Greece dishonored the pledges they gave to secure the massive loans which they needed to keep their ''donkey and cart' economy in the 21st century. So, you're not really comparing like with like. The Greeks, along with the Argentinians stand as the pariahs on the international stage.

1 point

As close as I can calculate, about 22 million light years away. As soon a central government is established there will always be the formation of breakaway groups wishing to gain power by assuming the administration of their own regions, and/or opposing the political ideologies of the status quo. Mankind's territorial instincts will never diminish. Try placing people in an open office environment, and before long filing cabinets and over sized plants will start to be positioned around the individual desks. Note the break up of the old U.S.S.R., the, apparent, polarizing of the Northern and Southern States of the U.S.A., the cracks appearing in the European Union, the division in Northern Ireland where the comparatively small population of 1.6 million are, voluntarily segregated into the zones of their traditional cultures where the opposing para-military terrorist groups rule the residents in their respective territories.

1 point

That's an easy one. They simply dialed 123 to connect with British Telecom's speaking clock. Way back then the toll for such a call was only a farthing, as opposed to the present day cost of nearly .40 pence.

1 point

We all suffer from selective memory loss, these are the good old days, just wait and see.

Kalamazoo(333) Clarified
2 points

Naw, not you Jolie, you're much too an intelligent, creative and fair minded person to get involved in such gutter snipe activities. I feel that you would consider everyone's angle on a topic and whilst not necessarily agreeing with their expressed sentiments, would pluck out whatever merit you felt they contained, thus becoming just that little bit more knowledgeable. Besides, I didn't mean to imply by my post that there were those bullies who do chew up newbies and spit them out, only that such resentful festering turds ''try'' to do this, but more often than not they discover that they have bitten off more than they can chew. ''Every dog will bark loudly in it's own yard'', or what it perceives as it's ''own yard'', but it's prudent to be certain to know what and/or whom your barking at.

2 points

Most existing participants, especially those long standing members, will try to establish dominance over the 'new guy on the block'' by challenging most, if not all of their opinions. Some do this with a merciless brutality, whilst others, although more subtle, will, nevertheless go for the jugular. Also, the protagonists will use such aggressive activity to try to identify what the newbi is made of and whether they will be easily intimidated. It's the same in the proverbial jungle of life, most men will perceive new male members to the firm, the gym, the club, their local pub or wherever, as a threat until some sort of pecking order has been established.

1 point

Whilst the traditional roles in a marriage may have changed it does not mean that one spouse has dominance over the other nor that it should be replaced by the more lose, partnership arrangement. Marriage is, or at least should be a declaration of love for each other by the two parties joined in this union, and generally speaking, offers a more stable environment in which to raise a family. The vows taken should act as a constant reminder of the responsibilities which both parties have to ensure that throughout the duration of the ever changing ''tone'' of their relationship they adopt the necessary compromises as well as engaging in a meaningful analysis and cementing of the commitment to each other. It has been my observation that the character weaknesses which result in divorce appear again in any new relationship. Best to stick to your guns with the ''devil you know'' and go for a renaissance of your love for each other if the marriage is going through a tough patch. Any irresponsible low life can pack up and run away when the going gets difficult.

1 point

Are you suggesting that god was/is the original suicide bomber, but, unlike Humpty Dumpty, is reassembling himself? If so, the Christian God's self destruction has created all life on earth and everything in the cosmos. Thanks God. Let's hope The destructive Islamic god doesn't come along and annihilate this wonderful creation.

1 point

One of the best ways of making money is to create a new religious denomination. Your concept is as good as any of the existing ones so why not get a soap box and start preaching. ''The Lord saith, give Jolie your dosh to build a Tabernacle where I can be praised in prayer, song and by donating your hard earned money to Jolie. Your reward will be in heaven, hallelujah brother, hallelujah.

1 point

I only know two American slang words. Lousy and swell. I think swell is lousy but lousy is swell. Sort of confusing isn't it.

1 point

This question would have more credibility if you had provided some verifiable global statistics. ( the video link was inaccessible, well at least it was for me.) The United Stares is an open society in which all forms of crime are reported and in the 'public domain' for anyone to scrutinize. This isn't the case in most Asian countries such as India and Pakistan where rape and violence against females is a congenital part of their culture. No one knows what is happening in countries such as Russia whose ''tin curtain'' regime denies the free flow of information. Another interesting statistic would be the ethnic background from which most rapists originate. In the U.K, 90% of rape and violent crime originates from the blacks, even though they only form 10% of the population. After that, Asians, particularly the Pakistanis, are responsible for most cases of rape and paedophilia.

3 points

The term should be re-titled, ''selective equality''. How many female motor mechanics do you see in oily dungarees lying under vehicles with greasy hands and grimy fingernails? Or, tyre fitters, lumberjacks, road diggers, steel fixers and so forth? The equality brigade must wear special glasses which filter out the aforementioned career categories as they browse the, 'Job vacancies' in the various media advertisements.

2 points

The simple point here is that, let's say the standard tax band is 25%, then clearly 25% of £ 100k is significantly more than 25% of £ 25k, £18750 to be precise. So, the surgeon or senior manager contributes more to the nation's welfare than the supermarket check out girl. Countries without talented and able entrepreneurial risk takers are personified in such nations as Liberia, Zimbabwe, Haiti and even Greece. It's easy to sit mindlessly in the illusion of a so called ''safe job''and get a ''FREE RIDE'' on the backs of those prepared to ''take the point''. When the percentage of ''free riders'' becomes too great we end up with situations as illustrated in Detroit which used to be one of the most prosperous cities in the United States until it was swamped by the walking dead who feel that they have a right to a job which must be provided by;- ''them'', the much maligned entrepreneurs. Of course businesses fail, but, if there was a guarantee of success then even the faint of heart would be doing it. For every 10,000 people who talk about starting their own business only one has the balls to actually take the plunge. Those with their water wings and life preservers follow resentfully in the wake of their superiors.

1 point

If everyone was taxed at the same percentage rate the high earners/hard working achievers would be contributing more to the government coffers. Why should people be penalized with a higher rate of tax because they're clever, have taken risks to ''climb the ladder'', studied hard at school/university? If the fool on the right who is bellowing about 90% tax on the wealth creators got his way there would be a mass exodus from the United States by the people whom are needed most.

1 point

I think all woman should wear good old reliable heavy duty elasticated Harris Tweed bloomers and liberty bodices.

1 point

No, that's just silly sexism. However, female nipples should be censored, and stay censored. There's nothing more grotesquely repugnant than saggy female boobs. Imagine trying to eat a meal close to a withered up old hag with her wrinkled 'thrupenny bits' drooping into her soup. Ahhh. The restaurant would have to provide blinkers and a sick bag for the other diners.

2 points

The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne. When that Aprille with his shoures soote, The droghte of March hath perced the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour of which vertu engendered is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth, Inspired hath in every holt and heeth. What's so difficult about English?

1 point

What sort of a stupid question is that? Au contraire,of course it doesn't you fool. It's just that there are so many idiots whose opinion doesn't agree with mine and it is therefore necessary to lambaste the buffoons with insults in the hope that they'll recognize that my viewpoint is always correct. Now, what's wrong with that?

1 point

A terminal disease curable only by death. The minimum argument length is 50 characters.

1 point

And there was I thinking that all New York policemen did was eat doughnuts and shoot armed criminals. So, they play chess as well, and in the open. You shouldn't play chess near draughts.

1 point

From a male's angle, keep yourself in good shape, well groomed and healthy. This will mean that you can always have a mistress to add excitement throughout your life. Having a succession of doting, beautiful, young ''Inn Keeper's wenches'' drooling over you is like heaven on earth. Sex, as well as money, make the world go around.

1 point

I know, ''cast off not a clout until the month of May is out'', and all that jazz. What annoys me is that everyone complains about the weather but no one does ever anything about it. Have you noticed that? Oh yes, he won didn't he.

1 point

In the old wild west horse thieves were hanged by the neck until dead. They weren't hanged for stealing horses, but to deter people from stealing horses. It was a highly effective way with which to deal with what was then an epidemic, just as ''Bongo'' looting is an epidemic today. The difference between then and now is that the politicians had balls whereas today's vote conscious politically correct wimps have chocolate eclairs for backbones.

1 point

The manufacturing company, 'Bongo Work Boots Ltd,'' went bankrupt within the first six months of trading. Can you think of anything more suspicious than a sweaty Bongo looking over his shoulder and walking quickly with a television under his arm?

0 points

The French philosopher Alfonse Karr was very perceptive when he wrote, ' the more things change, the more they stay the same. We think we have advanced into a more civilized and sophisticated society but we're still the same violent savages as our stone age ancestors. The sub class ''Bongos'' will always be rioting and blaming their own stupidity on the white man. In 1000 years from now these lower order humans will still be bellowing on about discrimination and the big bad white man. Liberia was formed to accommodate liberated black slaves. Why don't the American Bongos go there and live happily ever after?

1 point

There is no doubt that this is true. There was no such thing as earthquakes before the industrial revolution, which is when the global warming process commenced. If you believe this then you'd believe horse balls are lemons. Thinking up these absurd notions is one thing, but actually printing such raw sewage and expecting people to believe it should be made a criminal offence.

1 point

It's time there was a woman in the Oval Office. I mean, by all accounts Bill's had one there on a number of occasions during his term in office, now it's Hillary's turn.

2 points

Hillary is the ''best man'' for the job, figuratively speaking . She is a patriotic American and a hard working and very capable politician with a medium and long term strategy for her country to remain the foremost industrial and military power in the world. Vote for a better future, vote for Hillary.

1 point

You can only flout nature's law of natural selection for a limited time and then the results of this artificially created unnatural state will come back and bite a large chunk out of your bum, where the Liberals keep their brains.

1 point

Which god would that be? There seem to be a lot of them. My god is money, piles and piles of lovely dosh. Most of it originates from the Royal Mint.

1 point

No. All industries, even wee Mrs. Mc Dookey's sweetie shop is required by law to have have a clearly displayed ''Health & Safety Statement'' which includes documented evidence that a proper risk assessment was carried out by a qualified health & safety expert as well as verifiable proof that all/or any recommendations were implemented. In addition to this all procedures must have a ''method statement'' list produced showing the correct manner in which all tasks are to be completed. Surely, with all the tremendous risks involved in the airline industry the ''brains of the industry'' supplemented with millions of pounds of state of the art computers, such a scenario should have been predicted and provision made for the risk to be eliminated. Another, unmentioned hazard is the existence of a lethal fire axe in the cockpit. What point is there in carrying out body searches and scans of the flight crew when they're going to have access to a deadly weapon once they board the aircraft? Express availability to such a piece of safety equipment is vital but it requires some safety features built in to it's accessibility.

1 point

My contention with this fanciful notion is, apart from all the trillions of noughts being banded about the 'Achilles heel'' of the ''Big Bang'' theory is, from where did the ''Big bang'' emanate, and for that matter, how and why was the space available for all these eye-watering trillions of galaxies to occupy? Nothing from nothing = nothing, Nothing plus nothing = nothing, and so forth. The incalculable total masses of the planets in the cosmos all derived from some magic thingummy-jig smaller than the point of a pin. From where did this infinitesimally minute magic thingummy-gig originate?

0 points

Never have to. I know I've many faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.

1 point

I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better. Rich people are usually clever and can easily devise legal ways to avoid paying too large a % of their hard earned dosh for the financing and support of 10s of 1000s of females and their illegitimate brats just because their slut mothers couldn't say no, billions of pounds in foreign aid, politician's fraudulent expenses claims, treating 10s of 1000s of foreign nationals on the National Health Service, an over subscribed and criminally inefficient civil service, providing benefits to low life immigrants, legal and illegal from the failed nations of the world and more, much more. No sirree Bob, the rich man didn't work his testicles off to provide a cushy lifestyle for the filth which infests our society.

1 point

The well known barroom brawler, ''Rip your eyes out Mc Gurk'' eats two or three bars with his breakfast cereal every morning for inner cleanliness. But then he is a real moron who's as strong as an ox.

1 point

If D equals B, and B equals A, then D equals A also. That leaves a virgin C.

1 point

Body builders can achieve better muscle definition using imperial weights than if they use metric ones. That is providing they don't stay too long in the shower which tends to take the sharpness of their muscles. A vehicle can travel further if it's fuel tank has been filled with imperial gallons as opposed to having been filled with metric litres.

1 point

So true, and also, as the origins of it's name was the result of the letter C being broken on the keyboard.

-1 points

God/Jesus helps those who help themselves. The sub species of humankind will and indeed should, suffer the same fate of all God's creatures. They will become extinct as nature/God, ( choose your option ) intended, so the strong and capable can evolve and flourish. The cause for this child's plight is the primitive brains and backwardness of it's parents. It would be best for all the world if the lower orders of the African Continent were left to their own devices to either survive or perish. This would be 'natural selection' in practice whereby nature expunges itself of the weak.

1 point

Sound enough idea but our politicians, along with the politically correct brigade would ensure that the filth were not only permitted access to our subterranean sanctuary, but were given priority status and privileges over and above those cowing from the Muslim death squads. The question here is, which group is the worst;- the Muslim dirt balls or the scum bag politicians who encouraged the infestation of the western nations by Islamic vermin? The criminally negligent politicians stand solemn faced each year at the Cenotaph during the ''Remembrance Sunday'' tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of their nation and all the while they're holding the door open for our sworn enemies to flood the country. The cost of policing and providing social benefits to these terrorist low lives is having to be met by the long suffering taxpayers. How the western populations are now paying a price for their apathy and indifference to what their politicians have done, and are continuing to do to their respective countries. In Britain the electorate are so easily waylaid with petty nonsense like a penny off a pint of beer and the bigger lollipops. I guess that such idiots deserve all they're going to get, because the dumb fools haven't seen anything yet.

1 point

That's easy. He loved them so much when they were poor he/she made them rich.

1 point

Islam is already accepted by the rest of the world as the greatest evil on the face of the earth today. It's ''hate preachers' and the aggressive intolerant passages from the Koran make it, by far and away the greatest threat to world peace as well as retarding the process of racial and religious harmony which most western leaders strive for so desperately.

1 point

God loves those who help themselves. Poverty is regularly a consequence for those who indulge in one or more of the seven deadly sins. Pride, ( an unjustifiable excessive belief in one's own abilities ) is usually followed by a fall. Gluttony,A pre-occupation with an inordinate and time wasting desire to consume more than is required. Lust, disproportionate sexual desire at the expense of other more rewarding pursuits. Anger, an irrational over reaction to events leading to an inability to make reasoned and prudent decisions. Greed, Blinds it's victims to the medium and long term consequences of their shortsighted 'ram-stam' to satisfy their craving for immediate gain. Sloth, this one should be self-explanatory.

3 points

More likely your tweets will float around, unnoticed in cyberspace forever. Your unseen 'social network' footprint will be destined to swirl around the cosmos along with British Airway's lost luggage.

1 point

Yes sirree Bob, that's me all over. My mood swings cover all of those emotions in an hour or so.

1 point

I knew a red head who, not only had no soul, but didn't have any hair either. Just a red head. Strange, eh.

1 point

Hi Jolie, I don't who voted you down, but it sure wasn't me. I guess there's no accounting for taste so I've just given you an up vote.

2 points

I somehow feel that that was a piece staged drama combined with some rather poor acting.

1 point

As the years roll by with increasing rapidity there comes a point in everyone's life when they spend more time reminiscing about ''the good old, bad old'' days than they do trail blazing, discovering new experiences or falling madly in love. In this context, the more colourful and romantic the past, the more vivid and richer the memories will be. Much better than Sky television.

1 point

My Apple watch is worth more to me than the entire population of whatever country in which they're made. The Apple argument section is not ''receiving calls today''.

1 point

My Apple watch is of considerable value to me than the entire population of the country in which they are made.

2 points

Apple watch, apple watch, apple watch, apple watch apple watch, apple watch,

1 point

Hey man, the answer to that question is too easy. My Apple watch is more important to me than the entire population of whatever country in which they are made, providing that it's not the good old U.S.A., nor any other Western country. The governments and people of such nations have a choice, either go back to their former happy go lucky donkey and cart economies or produce the high tech goods developed by western scientists. The manufactured goods and farm produce of countries which exploit child labour as well as using virtual adult slave workers are bought with conscienceless abandon and gusto by hypocritical westerners throughout Europe and America. Let he/she who has never shopped at Walmart or bought ''designer'' fashion/sports wear made in ''Wing Wa Woo'' throw the first stone.

1 point

Hey man, the answer to that question is too easy. My Apple watch is more important to me than the entire population of whatever country in which they are made, providing that it's not the good old U.S.A., nor any other Western country. The governments and people of such nations have a choice, either go back to their former happy go lucky donkey and cart economies or produce the high tech goods developed by western scientists. The manufactured goods and farm produce of countries which exploit child labour as well as using virtual adult slave workers are bought with conscienceless abandon and gusto by hypocritical westerners throughout Europe and America. Let he/she who has never shopped at Walmart or bought ''designer'' fashion/sports wear made in ''Wing Wa Woo'' throw the first stone.

1 point

Hey man, the answer to that question is too easy. My Apple watch is more important to me than the entire population of whatever country in which they are made, providing that it's not the good old U.S.A., nor any other Western country. The governments and people of such nations have a choice, either go back to their former happy go lucky donkey and cart economies or produce the high tech goods developed by western scientists. The manufactured goods and farm produce of countries which exploit child labour as well as using virtual adult slave workers are bought with conscienceless abandon and gusto by hypocritical westerners throughout Europe and America. Let he/she who has never shopped at Walmart or bought ''designer'' fashion/sports wear made in ''Wing Wa Woo'' throw the first stone.

-1 points

Leaving the pointless and unwarranted , but nevertheless, amusing, name calling out of the equation, it is wrong for some egotistical, self appointed pseudo legislator to concoct a set of juvenile and fanciful notions which he/she feels should form the sole format for all debate participants. Everyone expresses themselves in their own individual manner and shouldn't be subjected to the expression stifling impositions of some Don Quixote type character's personal concept of how people should conduct themselves when responding to issues which are of interest to them. If a respondent feels particularly passionate about a specific topic he/she may be more inclined to include some emotionally driven terms in their expressed opinion than they would otherwise do. Such ''colourful diversity of expression is what makes most forums, be they live, or cyber, more exciting and less predictably dreary. However, be conscious of the fact that it's not what you write, say or think that is important, it's only what you do that matters. I ran my own business for 36 years with a full time workforce of 50 to 60 full time employees, (numbers fluctuated with workload), and it was interesting to distinguish between the talkers/writers and the ''doers''. When the starry eyed ''talkers'' submitted their impressively written, but usually ill thought out, ''brilliant idea'' to me I always responded by saying, don't tell me show me. Their ideas were of course for others to pursue, but not them. Whilst I was chairing a meeting on how best to proceed with the marketing of a new government contract my, poorly educated, but all action foreman entered the room with a clutch of high value orders. Forums of this nature are for retirees or to help the useless non achieving dreamers feel slightly important. But, it's all good clean fun.

-1 points

I must assume that either you didn't read my post in it's entirety, or failed to recognize and/or appreciate the opposing message expressed by my alter ego. Either way, we wish you good fortune but would suggest that you cease to issue your unrealistic and pretentious instructions on how you feel a debate should be conducted . If at any time I feel like insulting someone, such as a pompous dirt ball like you, then that's exactly what I'll do, and all your embarrassing, 2 cent, home spun philosophical drivel sure ain't going to change anything one iota. Instead of spewing out your affected nonsense try yodeling up the canyon, or some other such pastime more commensurate with your arrested intellect.

-2 points
1 point

Just slightly less than wee Mrs Mc Dooky could throw the average American. Immeasurably tiny.

1 point

Yes, a last man standing contest between an alliance of the I.R.A. (roadside bombers) and the U.V.F, (snipers) versus the I.S. (head hackers & suicide bombers). The media could annihilate each other over the exclusivity rights of this ultimate sporting event and the rest of us could all live happily ever after. Naa, somehow I think it wouldn't be long before other groups of murderous low lives came slithering out of the cesspits with a revolutionary political agenda which they would want to impose on the world.

1 point

Like the Germans of that awful period, they have a grand plan of making the world succumb to the doctrine of Allah. Their clever strategy includes the ''appropriation'' of non Islamic states by swamping these liberally run nations with Muslim immigrants, many of whom, as we have witnessed to our bloody and deadly cost, are ''sleepers'' awaiting for their I.S. leaders to issue the orders for them to carry out another atrocity on the civilians in whose midst they live. Only today in has been revealed that Jihad John's parents lived in Britain for twenty years on state benefits which cost the taxpayer £400K. They were so called asylum seekers from Kuwait to where they have now returned safe and sound, and, wait for it, are still receiving handouts from the British taxpayer. You really couldn't make it up. The weak leaders of the West have been paralysed by fear and have yet to decide how to effectively react to the psychopathic Muslim death squads and how to deal with the ticking time bomb which the millions of Muslims represent throughout Europe. France alone has over 15 million Muslims, and like the U.K, they're all here courtesy of the politicians of their respective countries, past and present. They try to keep the lid on their self imposed dilemma by passing laws banning the expression of any concern at the presence of these 5th columnists. If anything, the I.S. have a better strategy than the Germans of WW2. Think about it. They have in place millions of potentially fanatical troops, all of whom would gladly die for Allah all over Europe. If Adolf Hitler had been so clever we'd all be speaking German now.

1 point

The world has gone barking mad. All dogs are son's of bitches.

1 point

No, more than likely just the result of a leaky roof. Call a tiler first thing in the morning.

1 point

Well, if we just briefly consider some of what I was taught,( my indoctrination) as a child of four at Sunday School by Father Seamus O'Paedophile. You must love God, he loves you. But if you don't love him you'll burn in hell and suffer agonizing pain for eternity. Do you love god? You're dead right I love god, I love him, I love him. You must repent for your sins or you'll burn in hell for ever and ever. What sins were these Father? The sins mankind has been committing for 1000s of years. But please father I'm only four. Shut up boy. Are you going to repent or burn endlessly in hell? I repent, I repent. You must extol god every day in deed and in word or you'll roast eternally in hell and listen to the deafening agonized screams of all the other sinners. Are you going to extol the Lord every day ? I praise him, I praise, him. Different people have various names for this loving and caring religion, but I call it blackmail. Maybe we're actually in hell now. How do we know that the parents from alien planets don't say to their children, if you don't behave you'll go to Earth and have to listen to politicians telling lies for ever and ever? They of course would reply, I'll behave, I'll behave.

1 point

Most, if not all politicians. Once in office these manipulative public representatives clandestinely engage in such treacherous activities as swamping the country with immigrants and at the same time reduce the funding and staffing of immigration control thus ensuring a further uncontrolled flood of illegal immigrants. When the spaghetti hit the fan and they realised that, as well as having imported countless terrorists and drained our public services dry they said, oops, sorry folks, we seem to have made a bit of a jolly old faux pas. Ah well, yawn, fancy popping down to Westminster's subsidized bar for a few G&T;'s old boy?

1 point

In an ideal world your excellent post would be logical and rational. However, in the real world most people deem debate to be a form of conflict, albeit verbal conflict. They don't see their goal as the achievement of an amicable resolution to a dispute. Instead they see it as a challenge to ensure that their undiluted standpoint eclipses the expressions of all other counter viewpoints and remains dominant throughout the exchange, eventually emerging as the winning argument. Such an intransigent standpoint will be adopted by many even though they may not feel that their stated sentiments are correct or the best course of action.

1 point

''Boys will be boys'', and the suppression of their healthy and normal interest in the opposite sex is wholly unnatural and dangerous. There is nothing dirty about sex, but some backward and superstitious religions try to make it seem so. To teach young males and females that their sexual emotions are ungodly will develop a sense of guilt about a feeling which is an inborn passion essential for the survival of almost every species on earth. Most girls like to be looked at, ( some more than others) and boys like to look at girls, ( also some more than others). This is how nature intended the genders to behave and interact with each other. There must be 1000s, maybe millions, of religious zealots all over the world who can't sleep at night demented with thoughts of people enjoying a perfectly normal activity as nature had intended them to.

1 point

Like I stated. Let's see your viewpoint on the thread,leave me out of the equation. My educational background and current professional status are subjects well outside the parameters of of this issue. Whether you can recognise it or not your apparent obsession with me is akin to being stalked by a demented cyber manic. Be advised, I've done with you, so your ramblings shall go unread, well, by me at any rate. If you find it impossible to continue your life without poking snide remarks at me, why don't you open up a subject for debate. Kalamazoo ;- the most remarkable phenomenon to hit CreateDebate in it's history.

1 point

Like I stated. Let's see your viewpoint on the thread,leave me out of the equation. My educational background and current professional status are subjects well outside the parameters of of this issue. Whether you can recognise it or not your apparent obsession with me is akin to being stalked by a demented cyber manic. Be advised, I've done with you, so your ramblings shall go unread, well, by me at any rate. If you find it impossible to continue your life without poking snide remarks at me, why don't you open up a subject for debate. Kalamazoo ;- the most remarkable phenomenon to hit CreateDebate in it's history.

0 points

For your yodeling practice why don't you improvise and try your local library. Those people who feel they have to make boastful and unverifiable statements about their alleged achievements are almost always among life's biggest losers. How the anonymity of the computer offers everyone the opportunity to be a ''rocket surgeon'', ha. Keep copying, that's what you're good at. Why don't you try to state your own, independent opinion without using other people's posts as a foundation.

-2 points
2 points

No. I attest that global warming, the start of which corresponded with the Industrial Revolution was, and continues to be,responsible for terrorism. The more CO2 gas which is pumped into the atmosphere the more the terrorist atrocities increase in barbarity and frequency. If we could place the ISIS and all the other psychopathic terrorist filth into oxygen tents I'm certain we'd see an end to this scourge of our times.

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