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PrayerFails's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of PrayerFails's arguments, looking across every debate.

This Booty or that Booty

Healthcare is only going to get more complicated and confounding that any failure will be placed on bussiness and insurance not complying to the law.

Joe, please insult me with your insult creator.-----------------

The gangster teacher unions were mad, and they hate Walker.---------------

Not Marge, Marge is yellow.----------------------------------------------------------

True, make exchange for a the cooking Ninja pot.-----------------------------------

That looks fun, I should try it .

Whatever !

Wouldn't even touch that with a 10 foot pole.-------------------------------------

Just some stupid sob sorry she probably made up.-----------------------------------

She did get in her eye, not sure for the right eye.---------------------------------

Formal education is a really bad example as the only means of intelligence. Life and work experiences are much more important in judging intelligence.

Most people just annoy me, so I could care less.---------------

What a pathetic loser? Who talks to himself in online private communities? Prodigee, Binikilover and Rogue Rascal.

Why, my number of points is only due to my longevity and commitment to the community of discussion. Average it out, less than 8 points a day over 3 years.

Kinda pathetic how over obsessed he is over points that have no meaning whatsoever.

If there is one thing that we can rely upon of JoeCalvary is one joke pertaining to breasts.

The Californian State Legislature are a bunch of idiots.----------------------------------

YES, they all are, socialists use force, and that is authoritarian.-----------------------

As if reading a book.-------------------------------------------------

WHat a cutie? Nothing screams sexy like rotting flesh.--------------------------------


is to just be happy.------------------------------------------------------------

That is funny.--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Traditionally, consummating marriage has always reserved in sexual intercourse between man and woman.

Traditionally, sexual intercourse has always referred to penis vagina action.

Yeah, that is my reasoning as well. ;)---------------------

Interesting Conversations Indeed DA

Witches are deceiving, and she would fit the size.---------------

Anyone can predict 5 to 8 years into the future, but the problem is wouldn't be accurate.

What? Come on, man. You know that there is few women with any brains.

Fake boobs likely equate to fake personalities, so natural boobs are just better and real personalities.

PrayerFails(11165) Clarified
1 point

EDIT: GUN ----------------------------------------------------------------------

True, I am against fun control, and I own guns, and I never killed anyone.

Prodigee is still here except in different names.-------------

Not curious at all. No offense, but this is the shit that attracts trolls. Most of your trolling is good fun, yet this is come on man.

Seriously, what kind of question is this? At least, it is a question.

No human action can account for climate change, nonetheless, it doesn't even exist.

I think joecavalry used to debate often, but it was overwhelming, so he became the greatest non spamming troll.

It is a shameless game that woman play, fun though.-----------------------------------

AWW, yes, the issue is then settle .

Seriously, not going to read that.----------------------------------------------------------

GREAT IDEA, but the initial investment would easily be in the trillions, not only in the vehicles including semis, but the roads. The technological cost doesn't outweigh the benefits.

OH, GOODIE, joecavalry created a monetary debate. This is exciting.

As of now Bitcoins are unique and potentially great because it decentralizes money, yet the only problem with digital money is the non physical form of the coin, all check and credit card transactions must eventually be exchanged in actual physical commodity, which means checks and credit cards merely play as money substitutes, but being Bitcoins are strictly digital, it is hard to imagine that they will gain value and confidence not backed by some commodity.

Optimism is just denying reality.-------------------------------------------------

YEAH, viral cat videos are just hilarious. More Cat Videos = More FUN. GO CATS!! ;)

That is just way too funny.------------------------------------------------------

The rich in African countries are not entrepreneurs, they are government monoarchs, aristocrats and bureaucrats, who forcibly steal from the public. It is almost impossible for anyone rich in those countries not to be government, if not government, they are cronies of government.

Actually, it is the opposite, it is overly aggressive government intervention. African nations have little economic and personal freedom.

Why would help need to be forced by some brutal authority? People like to help others voluntarily either by sympathy or apathy. Charities would grow based on voluntary donations from efficient and effective methods.

Resorting to disabled people as dependent was excepted, yet there are always more noble ways to help them financially than government in a voluntary society such as family, friends and charities.

It should be obvious that being permanently dependent on the government creates more poverty because of being non productive.

I am against gun control, but gun ownership didn't stop them from stealing private property.

Well, it already did happen when FDR confiscated all private ownership of gold on June 5, 1933.

Good intentions with unintended consequences I would imagine.

Mostly true.------------------------------------------------

To Me, IT doesn't really matter as long as it is there.-------------------------

The worst part is that she apparently likes to stay in her pee water.------------------------

The Fed is the greatest banker robber of all time.-----------------------------------

Oh, okay, whatever.----------------------------------------

6 / 2(1+2)= 6/2(3)= 6/6 = 1 --------------------------------------------

Of course, the nose is supplanted into that area.---------------------------------------

Do whatever tickles your pickle? This case is whatever licks your dingleberry.--------------

Any dictator who dies is just fine with me.---------------------------------------------

As long as the modeling agency is strictly doing it as voluntary, there is no problem.

It should be no surprise that politicans are looking for more ways to rob us.

Yeah, total agreement with that. Little fishy in there.-----------

I guess if it was only that easy.----------------------------------------

Liberals jizz in their pants over government control, they love it, they can't get enough changing of their underwear.

Right, that is how we know he doesn't shoot guns nor has he ever skeet shoot. Therefore, the picture was photo shop.

That is funny, fake titties are always disappointing, all natural type of guy here. Don't matter how flat.

Anyway, all paper money is fake money, so I would have said it is the same thing, the only difference is the federal government screams real loud with legal tender laws.

Right, it is fun to look at celebrities make fools of themselves in all of their misery.

Or the smelly old fish.-----------------------------------------------------------------

As usual, the government was out to fuck him over, and this is the result.

Some people are just idiots, while some just like to stare without anyone noticing.

I suppose that is an adequate analogy.------------------------------------------

His predictions were uncanny. BRAVO!!!-----------------------------------------



Without a doubt, it is a winner. Perfect!-----------------------------------

YES, Joe, it is you are getting the guy while we are all alone. Girl

Right, because they have to create problems to fix, otherwise, nobody would justify the legalized theft known as taxation.

Good, FUCK NSA, then we will all see what games they play.------------------

No such thing as needs, only human wants, and since human wants are infinite, no way of telling. The only human need is air and sunlight.

This whole time thing reminds me of the song "Wait" by M83.

Benefit--Paper, writing on walls could get old real fast.


Actually hilarious considering the circumstances.---------

NO MATH related to any supernatural phenomena, it is just fake.---------------------

Sure, so would I even with that creep look.----------------------------------------------

That is really cool yet frightening. Tilda Swinton is kind of a creepy anyway.

Awesome, death to Apple would be awesome.-------------------------------------

Apple only wishes that they could do half as good as Samsung, never bought one thing produced by Apple. I did receive a Apple product as a gift, I almost vomited.

YES, wearing a filter is always a good idea, why? Because the key word is filter.

I don't see why not.----------------------------------------

Since women own their own boobs, men manipulate then to show them, what once was private is now public.

Super Girl because Superman will be cheering from the background.---------------

That was impressive indeed.----------------------------------------------------

Yes because it worked so well last time it was attempted. :)

CUTE LITTLE DOLL.---------------------------------------------------------------

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