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This personal waterfall shows you all of Altarion's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That must have been quite embarassing for the parents. I would hate to be in their shoes.

3 points

Well, ya. I mean, the Muslim society are always claiming the world is against them and they are a people of peace and yada yada yada life is so hard for them, but this proves they are the instigators! They want to be accepted and yet they are refusing to accept gays as equals by not playing a soccer game against them. I mean, that just makes total sense!

2 points

Yes. That just means Mexicans found a new way to get across the border. If they are illegal with their current means, if they somehow had the resources to build a UFO and fly here then you know they would still be considered illegal aliens! (;

1 point

It's true! I'm the nice guy and find it way too hard to hook up with girls because they all just want to be friends and nothing more. )':

It totally sucks when you are friends with the greatest gal in the world but because she likes you too much as a friend you will never get anywhere with her!

0 points

Yes; It's proper grammer; the spelling is all correct. What's the issue here?


1 point

I still pull this crap on my mom! (;

It gets her to listen to me eventually, and then usually I get an "Ok" just so I'll leave her alone.

1 point

My meme (grandmother) likes to tell me, "The memory is the first thing to go, and I can't remember the second."

1 point

No. I don't have it. The reason I don't have it however, is that sometimes I have it so bad that I foget that I even forgot something in the first place! (;

3 points

Sounds like a good plan to me! Deleting people you have already added is a lot quicker than waiting and stalking their profile to make sure they go on all the time. (;

2 points

I want to move to Texas and try this out now! Man, the cops musta been like "WTF?!"


1 point

I'm sorry but I have to agree with J.C. What do you think the children are going to do? I mean they will have such a tragic life if they are born! I know that it is legally acceptable, but morally it is just insane and shouldn't be tolerated! I hope this woman will have to get a neurological exam and get thrown into a Looney Bin!

5 points

Yes, I completely and totally agree. Now I'm not trying to be a complete ass or anything, but I feel like the link I am referring to is one of the main irritants of mine towards women's rights.

Supporting Evidence: Abortion: What About a Man's Choice? (
1 point

But that means no more snow days!

Wait...I live in sunny California! It never snows here anyways!

1 point

but for those of us with beach front property, we will end up at the bottom of the ocean!

2 points

"When I said I wanted a horny bitch I didn't mean a dog with horns!"

1 point

Teach a person to use the internet and in 2 hours you'll have to teach them how do to something else pertaining to the internet and so on and so on.

(My grandma)

1 point

Ya, but usually all their holes are plugged by various sources. (;

1 point

I don't think so. They have too many holes in them. (;

2 points

At least me.

I was hoping for an email from a very special person but when I checked I had like 4 or 5 emails saying "JoeCavalry has invited you to a debate." So I either got pissed off or really bummed out because I thought that one of those emails was from that special person.


1 point

Isn't inhibitting the transmission of pheremones a good thing? I mean I did poorly in biology but I'm pretty sure it is. :P

And tin foil condoms seem painful for both sides of it: the user and the reciever! :P

1 point

Well if you are comparing a Hobo to a commoner then yes because commoners can afford baths and deoderant and the essentials to maintaining decent cleanliness. (;

2 points

Surely you must understand that the same is true with violence...why are we attacking terrorists? Because they attacked us. Why did they attack us? Because we did something to them. Why did we do something to them? ect...

So what did we do to them? Is it that we created a free market economy based on multi-national trade which let our country flourish while their land shut out the rest of the world and went into a spiral of poverty?

1 point

The only way to beat a stick is with a bigger stick. We have the bigger stick, but for some reason we aren't using it. Let's show those terrorists the same thing we showed Germany when we ended WWII! All that patriotism and force that put America on top should not be going to waste now. We need to end the war on terror once and for all. The only thing stopping us from doing that are those damned liberals who think that non-violence is the answer.

2 points

Don't they bend their knees backwards like birds?

1 point

I just got my cell phone last year and I don't want it to be taken away!

1 point

Sometimes being around someone for a long time can get pretty annoying, but a Whopper only lasts a few minutes and that's not a long enough time to get on my nerves. (;

1 point

It's simply not possible. I mean really now! Who would ever believe that they could be caught with someone else's nude photos if they are a teenager? It just simply won't happen I tell you!

0 points

No way! But I've always known I'm a racist bastard so nothing's changed....

2 points

This didn't happen to me, but my teacher told me that he did this while he went to school. Supposedly he had a Substitute teacher one day who fell asleep in class with his head resting on his fist (which was raised up at a 90* angle...or close to it).

So my teacher tied a string around the Sub's wrist and went back to his seat and pulled the string and the Sub's head flew down onto the teacher's desk and he got a bloody nose and my teacher never got caught! XD

1 point

Sorry for the delayed response. And yes she should! (;

I mean if Super Girl wants to wear an awefully slutty skirt like that and fly around so that people can look up it at will then why shouldn't Power Girl have her way with Super Girl? (;

2 points

If they are on welfare how can they afford an automobile in the first place? And even if they could how could they afford gas for that cheapo gas-guzzler that they have? I think welfare in its own is a dumb idea. There should be lots more restrictions on it. Like you must get a minimum wage paying job in such and such amount of time or else your welfare rights expire or something like that!

1 point

Damn. My server blocks it.

1 point

What picture may I ask?

1 point

Humans piss me off. They get too emotional and some are so stubborn that you just want to punch them but you can't because through human expectations you are supposed to be more mature and what-not.

1 point

They dangle just below the hips and look more kinky than a g-string.

1 point

I get it! Her boobs are shaking because her cell phone is ringing so she picks it up! :P I just got that!

1 point

At least you are man enough to admit it. (;

1 point

I'm sure that in some country it is politically correct. (;

2 points

Hahahahahahahaha! This debate is like the foundation for half of the debates on this website don't cha know! ;)

The reason for this is because white people feel guilty for the past when it was only ok to make fun of Homosexuals and Black people so they suck up with the ridicule for now, but in time it will all be equal. And if you watch MadTV they make fun of black people a lot. (Especially during Rocket Avengers skits) (;

Also, why do a lot of anime girls tend to have big breasts? I mean it is stereotypically incorrect for an asian girl to have large breasts, so are cartoonists of asia trying to tell their women something? (;

2 points

All the toxic gasses let loose by the nukes will not only kill EVERYONE on the planet, but burn even more holes through the atmosphere and ozone layers which will kill those of us that survive even quicker.

1 point

Not if she was on LSD which is considered the date/rape drug. ;P

1 point

I agree with the lesbian vampire theory, however in mythical vampire folklore, a female vampire is sworn by her master and must obey HIS every command. However with changing times you never know. Like for instance in "Daughter of Dracula" I was pretty sure that she was a lesbian because she was always so gentle with her victims and only sucked blood from women also. ;D

-1 points

It makes me worried how we waste so much tax payers' money on stupid shit like this when we already know that drinking alcohol affects your brain and that there are many other ways of cleansing your cardiovascular system than being an alcoholic. That is why we did studies and found out that you can get the same effect from drinking green tea or taking extra Vitamin C for your diet. But to answer your question, no, it doesn't explain the rattling noise in your head because there is a liquid that surrounds your brain and protects it from the inside of your crainium under normal circumstances. And here is my own question: Does the fact that I drink fish oil and eat lots of fish explain why I get headaches? Because my brain is now too big for my cranium to contain and it is pushing up against it?

2 points

I'd imagine. His current suit is so tight to his skin, they said it took him 20 minutes just to put it on! :O

2 points

"Mr. Burgendy you have a HUGE erection."

"Oh! So it appears I do. I'm just going to go walk this off.......Woa! Look out!"

3 points

Would being nude help or hinder Michael Phelps' swimming abilities?

1 point

A woodchuck could not chuck wood because Chuck would chuck the wood first, leaving none for the woodchuck to chuck if the woodchuck could chuck wood.

2 points

how come the first time you use the word "supersized" you have it as one word, but the second time you use the word "super sized" you make it two words?

2 points

Wow. I must be one screwed up person then. [; I'm indifferent on what kind of illness you have, because I'll make fun of you no matter what. And that is me not being prejudice towards or against specific types of people. And as far as I know, with todays technology anyone can become healthier and more physically fit, reguardless of what illnesses you might have!

2 points

I think that most men need this service, not only to deal with always being wrong to our lovers, but to deal with our relationships with our mothers. Dx

2 points

Hahaha! Wow. That seems somewhat funny because it seems something that could possibly be true. But I think that the reason, in a lot of relationships, that the woman is always right is because she wants power over you and she knows that if you truly love her you will concede to her whim and its their way of "testing" to see if you love them or not and how far they can go before they have "crossed the line" so to say, and as guys, we let them walk all over us because in our heads we imagine them as the greatest things that have ever happened to us and we would do anything to keep them with us. (Wow that was a LOT of "and"'s) And then the make up sex will be fast and furious. [;

5 points

As a side observer of my parents realationship and of relationships between me and my ex girlfriends, i think that CD doesn't even come close to preparing you for a marital life because here you get a say in what you are debating, but when you are married, your wife is always right, no matter what! and i know it doesn't seem fair, but that's how it is. so i think that CD is more of a sanctuary for the married man because here he gets a vote, whereas in his married life he is always wrong, even when he's right. and for those of you that are married or observe your parents or married couples around you, you know what i'm talking about.

1 point

i think that if you are fat, you can do something about it and you shouldn't get offended by fat jokes because its not like you believe in being fat. its universally accepted that being overweight isn't healthy and you shouldn't want people feeling pity towards you because you are killing yourself with a disease that is EASILY treated.

2 points

Hahahahaha! That is freaking amazing! I think that, in my experience, a lot of SS Peoples are bipolar. Like when they have just eaten they are fine or when you are about to eat, but like when they haven't eaten in a while they are just plain mean. )': and like idk. when i see most SS People and you crack any kind of joke it is hard for them to laugh because of the weight that presses against their lungs. xD (i can say this because before joining sports i was a MAJOR SS Person) and especially when it comes to their weight. but some people are quite alright with weight jokes as long as they aren't excessive. and as for what your daughter said, that was GENIUS! totally something i can see myself or some of my friends (Abcian1) doing when we are together. [;

4 points

Pizza! isn't chuck e. cheese a woodchuck? so he would chuck enough wood to make a fire to make his pizza!

1 point

The constitution was founded on the principle that the people's voice will be heard. But how often does this apply to modern day revolutions? We have this "Green Revolution" going on right now, but what is it inflicting on the government? Practically nothing! All its doing, as far as I am concerned, is giving coporate industries a chance to create products that they claim to be "Eco-Friendly." But the government as a whole has done nothing significant to appeal to this upcoming revolution and I think that it is time that the people took up arms and made the government acknowledge that this is happening and they need to do something about it! And as for voting, what good does that do if the popular vote doesn't count for anything?!?! Everyone knows that the only vote that matters is that of the state representatives! So the whole foundation of "revolting through voting" doesn't really count for anything at all! So. . . YEAH! LETS KILL SOMETHING!

2 points

I'd say so. [;

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