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This personal waterfall shows you all of Akulakhan's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I always pee in the middle to assert my dominance. .

1 point

Sounds like a great time to me.

1 point

We need both more and less gun control.


 "31 672 firearm-related deaths occurred in 2010 in the USA (10·1 per 100 000 people; mean state-specific count 631·5 [SD 629·1]). Of 25 firearm laws, nine were associated with reduced firearm mortality, nine were associated with increased firearm mortality, and seven had an inconclusive association. After adjustment for relevant covariates, the three state laws most strongly associated with reduced overall firearm mortality were universal background checks for firearm purchase (multivariable IRR 0·39 [95% CI 0·23–0·67]; p=0·001), ammunition background checks (0·18 [0·09–0·36]; p<0·0001), and identification requirement for firearms (0·16 [0·09–0·29]; p<0·0001). Projected federal-level implementation of universal background checks for firearm purchase could reduce national firearm mortality from 10·35 to 4·46 deaths per 100 000 people, background checks for ammunition purchase could reduce it to 1·99 per 100 000, and firearm identification to 1·81 per 100 000."

Source 1

Source 2

1 point

I was just saying that as a way to squeeze that joke out, I've heard it hahah.

1 point

Oh yes. The title track from Atom Heart Mother..... phenomenal. If is also a horrendously underrated song from that album.

One of these days I'll get around to Meddle...

1 point

You ever listen to the album A Saucerful of Secrets or Piper at the Gates of Dawn? That's my favorite era. Especially for songs like Remember a Day and See Saw.

1 point

Well being as you like the good shit from Pink Floyd you can't be half bad in person ;)

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

Since when?!

1 point

Culture is a very complex subject. I assume that by culture "mixing" you are referring to mixed culture kids, and not cultural appropriation. Of course there's nothing wrong being raised into an amalgamation of cultures, no matter how funny your memes try to be.

1 point

 I think you're conflating biology and gender fluidity. People are fluid in all regards of their personality, gender and orientation are no exceptions. What factors influence those changes is what is debated.

 There is biology involved in determining orientation, yes, but it is still poorly understood. All we know is that orientation isn't a choice and is subject to change.

 Gender is more complex. Gender is largely determined by society and it's expectations. In the western world, we typically have two binary genders. Other cultures have as many as 5 or more, each with their own seemingly arbitrary set of rules (equally arbitrary to our western roles I might add). As where you might define yourself as male here, male as a gender may not exist somewhere else.

1 point

Reproduction is a more effective way to strengthen a given gene pool. The process of natural selection would cause genes more useful for survival to propagate.

2 points

Diamonds are abundant naturally and fairly easy to synthesize. Intense marketing and artificial shortage of supply are the only things making diamonds expensive. And because of that, if you tried to return or resell a diamond, you'd only get a small fraction of your money back.

1 point


2 points

The issue still remains that the choices you make only convey the illusion of free will, and that the man behind the curtain is the chemical reactions in your brain that, though complex, are equally deterministic.

1 point

Also, you don't have to lie to yourself for the rest of your life. And your prospected afterlife is much better.

3 points

Buddhism would be a religion without a god. Atheism is simply not believing in a god.

2 points

I don't see why not. It's not, say, taking anyone's name in vain.

2 points

It's like an immovable unchargeable Siri you can tell to spend your money for you. Sounds great.

1 point

I completely agree with the idea. Like Tyson said, when someone racist sees a black person after having seen a black scientist, they experience cognitive dissonance and have to reconcile two contradictory notions. And although you have half-trolled with the image provided, your definitely bringing up an equally important topic. Women are represented very poorly on the internet and in the media in general, and it does help reinforce the stereotypes.

2 points

This is a surprisingly difficult question in light of recent events.

1 point

I'm already preordering the iDon'tCareAboutMoreShittyProductsInAnAlreadyOversaturatedMarketOfWhichProductsIWillNeverNorNeverHaveBeenAbleToAffordEachInitialOrFollowingIcarnation, I think it'll really turn the company back around.

1 point

I don't want strangers invading my home in the dead of winter, do you?!?!?!!?!?!1111

1 point

My own personal burn book, that's so fetch!

1 point

This joke is funnier each time. Kudos.

1 point

Free pornography. And no I'm not kidding.

1 point

Poke the bear.

1 point

That makes all the sense.

1 point

I joined CreateDebate after lost almost all of it's server(s?) support and completely fell apart. I have been on there recently, it looks better, but the community doesn't exist any more and it's basically just a site for bots to spam about DISCOUNT BIRKENSTOCKS AT PRICES YOU WOULD NEVER BELIEVE GO TO WWW.THIS-IS-NOT-A-SCAM.COM

1 point

.      &nbsp;   

Big Business
1 point

Atheism really isn't a religion. That's the point of it all.

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

Thanks. Sorry if that seemed odd to ask or out of the blue.

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

If I may ask, do you identify as asexual?

2 points

Figure out your partner's kink, and use it.

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

I'm surprised that's an actual! Thats, thats,.... Fantastic!

1 point

I have a pinterest and I'm not gay. I have not one used it but I still have it.

1 point


3 points

Looks like they really got to the core of the technology with that crisp looking interface.

1 point

Chickens always cut across the road.

1 point

It's the same for octopus, the plural being octopodes.


2 points

We are right now.

2 points

I certainly don't think one can just choose what gets their rocks off, but that doesn't mean your sexuality is stagnant throughout your life. It may not be as easy as straight or gay for some people. A lot of people straddle on their orientation, and those people should be who we look to when we ask these kinds of questions. How much is choice, how much is predisposition, and how much does it ultimately matter whether it is one or the other? Choices define people no less than their genes, and if someone chooses to date someone of their own sex, I don't see how anyone would have the right to question them.

1 point

1, she knows exactly what she's doing.

1 point

I'm a master debater, had plenty of preadolescent practice.

1 point

Show me the studies and math that proves it! Oh wait, I probably wouldn't understand how to read the research, being American!

1 point

Yeah, fucking liberal bastard!

1 point

95% Democrats

   -on science, social, immigration, healthcare, domestic policy, foreign policy, economic,

   and;environmental issues

91% Green Party

   -on science, immigration, foreign policy, social, healthcare, and economic issues

64% Socialist

   -on social, immigration, and healthcare issues

52% Libertarians

   -on foreign policy and immigration issues

3% Republicans

   -no major issues

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

Might I add that I watched this explicitly because you inherently asked me not to, ahaha.

3 points

You bleeding heart, you! Not only did you help a clearly inferior ant increase it's chances in life, you also donated to a communist society!

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